Wednesday, August 6, 2008

more point and shoot disasters

lol I'm just going to post the rest of the pics taken with that darn camera in 1 post to just get them up and over with.
a lot are blurry of course but I stil had to share them.

K wanted me to takea pic of the2 of them. look at the look on her face!
I wish this one wasn't blurry. It cracks me up!

Had to share the view from my kitchen sink <3

I had a 'bon voyage' party for a wonderful mama andher 2 sweet girls. They are moving out west. Our friend Betsy showed the kids how to do wet felting with wool. Itwasa hit as you can see.

the stand off of Nara the dog and Geisha my kitty.
Look at home much is on my night stand, this is important LOL. Geisha's face lets you know how much she likes Nara.

The looks on Geish'as face in these mext 3 pics say it al. and this isactually them getting along!! She used ot be so scared of Nara but now she stands her ground. Nara just wants to play with her.

A pic K wanted me to take:

Another pic K wanted me to take

E looking cute in her overalls.

and THAT'S IT! My baby is back so no more point and shoot pics!!

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