I had these glorious plans of sharing all of our joys, sorrows and lessons from Lent, holy week, C's birthday (more on that later this week) and Easter but I think my sleep deprivation has finally hit me like a ton of bricks. It's from a wonderful form of busy, but exhausting nonetheless. I will be hitting the pillow hard very soon but first just a few tidbits from Easter.
My children participated in their very first Easter egg hunt today. Our (very packed) church held one after Mass. We didn't know it was happening so we didn't come prepared with baskets. The girls made do with their aprons, instead. They enjoyed the hunt and were surprisingly okay with not eating the candy inside the eggs (thanks to a vegan chocolate lollipop they received from the Easter bunny). Later on in the day they went on yet another Easter egg hunt (two in one day!) that our neighborhood hosted. They totally had the hang of it that time around and came prepared as well. The spent a good part of the rest of the evening playing Easter egg hunt in our backyard by filling empty eggs with leaves and bark chips for one another to find.
I bet a lot of you are thinking the girls Easter dresses look somewhat familiar. There is a reason for that (I feel it's important to give credit where it is due!! It doesn't seem like that happens anymore in this blogging community and that really saddens me.) I fell completely in love with the Easter dresses my friend Ginny made her daughters a couple of years ago (made with one of my favorite patterns, too - you can see them here), and when I happened upon the very same fabric on clearance last year I knew I had to make the same dresses for my girls. While I do not normally copy someone else's idea I just couldn't resist this one. Hey, why mess with perfection, right? Of course Ginny's look a million times better than my attempt but we still love them! I planned on sewing them for last Easter but with Kevin away and my preparing to join the church, my plate was full. I had a bit more time on my hands this year so I was able to pull it off. I do wish I had better pictures to share but we finished up at church right around noon and we all know of the "never shoot outdoors in bright light at noon" rule. *sigh*
Speaking of creating, I finished Little L's Peter Rabbit sweater the night before Easter. I think it looks so cute on him but I forgot one thing when I was dreaming the sweater up in my head - buttons. I didn't have seven matching buttons of any kind so I found a temporary solution with one random wooden one I had and then six bee buttons meant for C (made by Wooly Moss Roots). Since C was looking forward to those bee buttons I will be removing them and purchasing new ones this week. But what sort of button should I choose? Decisions, decisions. Hopefully I can get better pictures once the new buttons are on, too.
Oh and completely unrelated but I think this moment needs to be recorded for prosperity's sake: Tonight as I was busy getting dinner ready, Kevin asked me to get the children to do something (I forgot what it was now, but that part isn't important). I asked him if he could talk to them instead because I was in the middle of cooking. He then replied, "They listen/respond better to your way of asking them than mine." Ah yes, my gentle vs. his authoritative. I had been trying to tell him this for a long time now...