Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Math gnomes on Ash Wednesday

128 110 056 054 053 035 023 030 020 043 Little L at school Our day in pictures.
We started our day attending Mass for Ash Wednesday.
Perhaps I should back up here for a moment to finally officially come out and say that since last September I have been attending RCIA classes to join the Roman Catholic church. I would love to go more into the how and why of my decision but just at another time as that is something quite serious and close to my heart. Okay, back to what I was saying...
Normally Little L stays home with Kevin for Mass (something else to explain another day) but he came with us this time. I was anxious about how my crazy little boy would be but he made it through almost to the end. I felt a little defeated when we eventually had to retreat to the cry room. I honestly don't know why I felt that way, he was amazing for lasting as long as he did, but for some reason or other I was a bit saddened. I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I was for the strangers that came up to me afterwards as I was snapping some pictures outside (I don't have any pictures of Little L's ashes because he decided to rub his head all over my sweater before we even left the building). One after another came to say how kind my children were and how wonderful they were during the extended Mass. I was so upset with myself and in such need of encouragement at that very moment - I don't think it was a coincidence that they appeared to help me. Their act of kindness reminded me again of how much we all need more love and support in our lives.

After that we dropped K off at school. Her class was outside playing when we arrived, so we walked her over to her teacher. As soon as her classmates saw her they started excitedly calling her name and running up to her. They circled around her exclaiming, " You do have ashes!!" How they knew about her having ashes ahead of time - I don't know, but I think the attention made her feel a bit uncomfortable because when I saw her for a school assembly an hour later, the ashes were gone. She is her mother's daughter. I prefer to be a wallflower and far away from the spotlight.

Little L and I had to step out of the assembly after K's class performed. He sat still for so long at Mass he just couldn't take it any more. I can't say I blame him! So we went out in the hallway with nothing to do. I checked K's locker and when I saw that it was in complete and utter shambles (similar to her bedroom and most of our house) something came over me and I had to clean and organize it at once. But I didn't stop there, oh no, I went and organized her desk, too. My mind felt much better afterwards. I know she gets overwhelmed so easily (like me) and seeing everything that way must have been been like a dark cloud over her. She's much happier when things are clean, then again, aren't we all?! Now if only we could keep our home more organized...

In other news, the math gnomes have now appeared in K's main lessons at school. I have been anticipating this moment ever since I first learned about them so many years ago. It thrills me to see her doing multiplication in first grade and making it all seem so easy. I'm so proud of her, and so very thankful for her education.


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Oh, how I understand feeling defeated at church with small children. We are Eastern Orthodox, and our services always include our children (which I love) but they are LONG. Sunday services are nearly two hours by the time post-communion prayers are done, and festal services can be four or more! Twice a year they go from midnight to 4 am! (and my children have never slept through them, even at eight months old) I've been in tears as I paced with fussy babies, missing most of a service, SO many times, but I do believe it is one way that motherhood is part of the salvation of our souls. Good for you for bringing your children and sticking out as long as little Lucian could manage! I have found for every person who looks grumpy at my wiggly child, there are ten who are so glad they are there.
2 replies · active 629 weeks ago
I so agree with that last sentence.
Thank you for sharing that. Just what I needed to see <3 <3
as a fellow Catholic mom....i am very excited to hear that you will be entering the Catholic church!! It definitely is hard for little ones to stay patient through all of mass...and even more frustrating for mom's to deal with it! Thats so great that you got pictures of your children's ashes. I wanted to take pictures of my children today, especially my little 10 month old because it was her 1st time... but i forgot! :( tis life with kids, i guess. Well, i will be praying for you on your journey into the Catholic faith! It is beautiful one. I would love to hear more about your journey of joining our faith as well. :)
1 reply · active 629 weeks ago
Thank you!! It's an exciting time for me and my children, too. K is my biggest cheerleader.
your photos look lovely. and yeah on the math gnomes, so much fun.
1 reply · active 629 weeks ago
Thank you! Seeing the math gnomes in action makes me jealous of K's schooling. I wish I had it :P
Lovely. I was born a Catholic, veared away from it in later years and recently moved back when I remembered the positive effect it had on my childhood. Your pictures are heartwarming.
1 reply · active 629 weeks ago
Thank you! I have been all over the place in mysearch for God but this is th first time I have felt at home. My grandfather was Catholic and I feel closer to him now that I am on this journey.
Welcome, welcome to the Church!! I'm a huge fan of your blog and I was thrilled when I read that!!! I will definitely be praying for you a lot this Lent. I'm so excited for you! The Church needs creative, intelligent Mamas like you. (Are you being received in to the Church at the Easter Vigil? If yes, so jealous and excited...the Easter Vigil is so beautiful!! I say that having endured the last two with a very cranky baby in the cry room ....and I still love it!!)

And ditto on Mass with littles. You'll find they go in stages, though. Some stages are harder than others and you'll practically live in the cry room but there's totally no shame in that! Jesus is just happy to see those little faces there week after week :-)
1 reply · active 629 weeks ago
Thank you so much Michele!! Yes, the Easter Vigil. I just can not wait!!
As a fellow Catholic mom... welcome to the Church! I look forward to reading about your journey.
1 reply · active 629 weeks ago
Thank you! I never knew :)
Hello and hugs ;o)
1 reply · active 629 weeks ago
Lots of hugs and love back at ya!!
What beautiful pictures. As previous posters have said, the few that glare are always out numbered but the ones that smile.
We have math gnomes entering our home school days too!! So exciting, and I agree it is taken with such ease. After the first day my son explained each process and their purpose so clearly and so easily. Like it was no big deal. I so wish I could have learned this way, perhaps math would not have been such a dreaded subject.
1 reply · active 629 weeks ago
Oh my goodness, I feel the same exact way! I struggled with math until I was in college, then it suddenly clicked. But if I had learned math using the Waldorf method - I bet I would have caught on right away. I love that my K and your son areon the same path ;)
Peanut and I usually end up in the cry room right before the Consecration. He gets hungry and loud. At least his squeaks seem loud to me! The early Mass seems better for us. The older kids are so quite (still half asleep I think!) and the cry room is almost empty. Normally I dread the cry room because at later Masses it's so busy and loud. I never thought I'd take my kids to a daily Mass each week but now with 5 for some reason it just seems to work not that some days aren't a trial but for the most part they are pretty good now. It's funny how I never thought I could do it before having 5 to watch over. Hang in there, Michele is right they go through stages. Remember how God asked us to bring the little children to Him. There are days I just feel like throwing my hands in the air and saying "Lord here they are , You asked for them well I brought them. Can't say I heard much of the Mass but I brought the little children to You". Welcome to the Church!
1 reply · active 629 weeks ago
Thank you Meadow! I do need to remember that it's in stages. K and C love going to Mass and listen so intently.One day Little L will get there, too. :)
Another Catholic mama! Yay! I braved the Ash Wednesday service with all 5 of my kids and I am I am so glad that I did! We had our meltdown moments, but the peace that I came out with was exactly what I needed!
1 reply · active 629 weeks ago
<3 Yay!! and I amglad to know we weren't the only ones with meltdowns :)
Welcome home! So nice to see you come into the Church. I am a convert to the faith about 16 years now. My brother is also coming in this Easter. You are so blessed and an inspiration to so many. I will pray for you and enjoy all of the beauty of our faith.
Hello :) I know this is a couple years old, but it made me teary to find it. I'm new to your blog, but so thrilled to have come across you. My family has been on a journey into the Catholic church for two years, simply because little ones sitting through mass has been the hardest part for us. We are incredibly blessed with four precious little ones, all four and under (no twins!). It's so thrilling to find a Waldorf homeschooling mama who shares our ever-developing Catholic faith :) I can't wait to continue following you! Bless you and your precious family!!

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