C sewed a little ladybug for K (which has now been loved by both the children and the cats - hence the fur) Even though K no longer has her ladybug symbol at school, she still considers herself to be a ladybug and C recognizes that (in 1st grade they have their names on everything, instead of symbols). C used wool felt, embroidery floss, buttons from my button jar and wool stuffing and made it on one of our homeschooling craft days and it took her maybe an hour or two total. All I did for it was cut out the pieces and she took off with it. I think she was just as proud of herself in the end as I was. K was quite surprised her little sister could make such a thing and little L has been scheming ways to make it his.
K made C and little baby sack for one of her dolls. She let C pick out the colors she wanted and knitted it up one night as I got Little L to bed. K then decided that the baby she made at school needed another one to open on Christmas morning, too. Dolls need gifts too, right?!
K made another gift for C, as well. She spied the tiny felted treasure bowl project in The Rhythm of Family and declared she must make one for C. I gently explained to her that it was knit in the round and involved double pointed needles, two things I didn't learn how to do until I had quite a few sheep under my belt. But I admit I was foolish to doubt her abilities - I mean everything involving knitting or sewing seems to come naturally to her. So I let her cast on and then I knit the first three rows for her (they were rows of purling, something her handwork teachers want her to learn in 2nd grade) and let her loose. She admitted the DPNs were a bit fidgety to work with but she nailed it. She even added stripes. The decreases were even a fun lesson in math for her! She claims knitting like this is easy and now wants to knit hats for the babies at a local women's shelter we support. (love!)
C's first blanket stitch project
The girls collectively made a new Christmas garland to hang over our fireplace. They just wet felted and needle felted little wool balls and then sewed and stuffed wool felt stars. I intended for K to do the stars and C the balls but C wanted to do the blanket stitch that was required for the balls so I let her try. One star was enough for her and she was on to other things. I think it came out really cute!
That's it for now. We still have some Christmas crafts up our sleeves (as well as Little L's Christmas sweater to photograph) as the season isn't over yet for us but old man winter has been calling for us to join him so I am not sure how much time we will actually spend indoors these next few days. I guess we'll have to wait and see!