Wow, I didn't mean to be gone for another week! Morning sickness came back pretty strong this week, keeping me from doing much of anything. The irony is that I scheduled K's teacher home visit for this upcoming Monday thinking that my morning sickness would just be a distant memory by now. Opps! K's teacher is absolutely amazing, though, and she completely understands. She has even been calling to check up on me. I feel so blessed that K will be starting school with such a sweet soul, perhaps even a angel in disguise...
We celebrated my birthday today, which was not so easy considering I can't look at, smell, or be near anything remotely sweet right now (my poor family!). I woke up to the beautiful set up pictured above on our kitchen table. K (with a little help from C) set it up for me the night before. It was one of the best presents I could ever ask for. How did I get so lucky to have such thoughtful and loving girls?
Well, I suppose I should get back to last minute cleaning before our home visit Monday. Thank you again, everyone. I hope you have a beautiful weekend. I should be back here Monday.
Happy Birthday! Hope you morning sickness goes away quickly.
happy, happy birthday mama!! your girls are so thoughtful and sweet because they are just like their mama. ;) may your nausea soon pass and the rest of your pregnancy be pure bliss. xoxoxoxo
Oh, Happy Happy Birthday dear Nicole! I did not know...
It just so happens that I was writing about gratitude just moments ago, mentioning some sweet friends, one of them you!
Hoping you feel well, girls rest well, love to all!
Happy birthday to you!!!! I love your blog and I hope your sickness will last not too long.
best wishes, Micha from Germany
Oh, happy happy birthday!
Hoping your morning sickness begins to subside but in so many ways it is a blessing even though it can be so hard to get through.
So wonderful about your daughter's new teacher. My mom used to do voluntary home visits in the public school she taught and she loved really getting to know the families.
Warm wishes, Tonya
Happy Day, Nicole! It's no wonder you have such thoughtful little ones...they have a lovely mother!
Happy birthday!! Hope you feel better soon!!
Happy Birthday to you mama! I wish you the most wonderful day:)
happy birthday to you, my dear! and I really hope you feel better soon!!
Oh honey I feel for ya! My sickness went all the way through the 1st and 2nd tris. I felt so lucky to be in Hawaii in the first Tri where Zach could run free and I could switch between the bed and the bathroom in peace.
I am sending you healthy vibes and truly hope you find a way to feel better. I was eating LOTS of pickled ginger and Meyer lemons... they were wonderful relief.
Best of luck with the visit!
Happy Birthday!
I hated morning sickness. I never could throw up, but i was green for 12 weeks, then it returned at 28 weeks to stay for 4 weeks!
I hope you feel better soon. I am surprised you could write about something sweet. Sometimes all it takes is the thought...if you know what I mean.
Happy Happy Birthday sweet friend!
Aaack and talk about synchronicity....I too scheduled our home visit for Monday :). LOL!!!!
happy birthday!
you have sweet girls because you taught them to be that way by example. I hope you are feeling well soon!
Happy Birthday Nicole! May your day be filled with even more Joy. I hope you feel better soon!
Happy birthday and sincere congratulations on your WONDERFUL news! I hope you're feeling better soon. Just wanted to let you know (in what I hope is an encouraging way) that I've missed your inspiring posts this summer. Hope you're able to be back more regularly soon :)
Happy Birthday! I can't imagine the home visit going anything but brilliantly!
oh, happy happy birthday to you! i hope you ARE feeling better come monday! and if she isn't an angel,you can bet she is talking to angels (and likely on your behalf too)! any waldorf teacher would feel grateful to have a little one coming from a home such as yours!
I have been on a bit of a blog holiday and logged in to see if you'd returned to blogland yourself. And look what greeted me...your birthday AND your wonderful announcement. I am so thrilled for you!
Blessings on you today and in the coming year :)
Happy birthday and congratulations!!!
Happy birthday and here's to hoping that morning sickness will pass soon!
Happy Birthday! How sweet your girls set up that sweet surprise for you.
So sorry to hear about your morning sickness, I know in the moment it's so awful and so difficult and when people tell you it's only temporary it's hard to imagine that. . .but it really is! I hope you feel better soon. :) And such a blessing comes of all this!
Happy Birthday! What a sweet little gift from your girls.
I hope the morning sickness passes soon. With every heave, I would try to think about the healthy placenta (placentae, in the case of my twins) I was growing. Still, I was glad when the worst was over. It ruined ginger tea for me forever. :)
I can't wait to hear about the home visit. I know this is so exciting for your family.
Take care,
Oh, I love the girls table setting that is SO beyond sweet!
Happy Birthday again, dearest friend!
I'll be thinking about you tomorrow and I know it'll all be wonderful and magical... in your lovely home with your sweet girls, how could it not??!!
xoxox, Marina
Thank you so much everyone! Still waiting for the morning sickness to pass but somehow happy it's here at the same time.
After spending 2 days with K's teachers I have decided they truly are angels :)
Congratulations and Happy Birthday! I am pregnant (due any day now) with baby #6 and I couldn't have done without some ginger syrup for my morning sickness! I hope all goes well!
God Bless you!
Happy belated birthday, Nicole! I feel for you on the morning sickness!
Your girls are looking so grown up in the post above!
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