Before you were conceived, I wanted you
Before you were born, I loved you
Before you were an hour, I would die for you.
This is the miracle of love.
~ Maureen Hawkins
Before you were conceived, I wanted you
Before you were born, I loved you
Before you were an hour, I would die for you.
This is the miracle of love.
~ Maureen Hawkins
This Moment : What February NOW means to me...
Yay, you announced!! Congrats again, Nicole! February is a good birthday month. My grandmother has a birthday in late Feb and she turned 80 this year and is the most wonderful woman I know (including the maker of those dresses). :) <3
How wonderful! Congratulations!
(I LOVE that beautiful little verse...I had tears in my eyes reading it)!
xo maureen
WHOA! I totally didn't guess that but it all makes sense now!
Warmest congratulations to you! Of course, I am biased and think that Pisces rock :) Ahhh to be pregnant in the cool months, what a smart mama you are! I am so excited for you Nicole!!!
Congratulations! How wonderfully exciting!! :)
Congratulations!! I am so happy for you!
Oh my goodness Nicole!! What fantastic news!! I am so happy for you:)
Lots of love and take care,
Congratulations! (:
beautiful news!!!
Congrats to you and your family.
so wonderful......my boys' first bday is tomorrow...i love that verse; I have tears in my eyes....
I am OVERJOYED for you....greedily, I am hoping it is a boy; I want to see what you make for him:):) blessings to you:)
congratulations!! how exciting!
Aw yes, from one pregnant mama to another I totally knew exactly what you were talking about! Congrats!!
Hooray!!!!!! Wonderful news! :-)
An Aquarian baby! How wonderful! They say that 3 is twice as many as 2 when it comes to babies...but my third sits on my lap as I type kissing her baby and I can't imagine that we ever felt 2 was enough! Congratulations!
Congrats sweet Nicole!
Yay! I knew it!! Congrats :)
Congratulations! Blessings for a healthy, beautiful pregnancy!
I didn't comment, but February is the month when my first was born. In all my huge family, no one was married or born in February, so my little Lela Mae has it all to herself.
Beautiful! Congratulations!
I can't wait to see what lovelies you knit up for the new little one!
HURRAY!! I've been thinking of you often. :) I'm *so*so*so* happy for you! I hope you're feeling reasonably well and that everything goes smoothly for getting this little one into your arms! :)
such sweet news, my dear friend! i'm starting a new hat now! big hugs. :)
Congratulations! Wishing you all the support and rest you are needing right now.
Oh my! Congratulations Nicole!
What wonderful news! Congratulations!
Congratulations! How wonderful for you and your family. Many blessings!
Congrats! I just had baby #2 here is my moment with her:
February is my birthday month!!!
Yay, for a new baby! How exciting! :)
Oh, congratulations! What a blessing for your family.
Happy happy happy! So fun to be your baby belly buddy :) xoxox
The wristbands don't deserve to be in the photo?
And other than that I'm sure I've said enough by now...but still, again... congratulations and lots and lots of love to you and your sweet growing family!
Congratulations! You are on your way to hitting all the season with your winter baby joining your spring and autumn loves!
I am so very, very excited for you!!!
Lots of love - big hugs xoxo - Nicole
I have been thinking of you these past few weeks, and keeping you and this new little one in my blessings. May this be a wonderful, special, blessed and miraculous pregnancy my sweet friend. I can not wait to "meet" this sweet little soul.
Congratulations! That is fantastic news. I'm so excited for you. Hope you are feeling well.
many congrats!!! Hope you are feeling well as your new little one grows :)
Oh wow, how wonderful! Congratulations on these great news! I was thinking about writing in your previous post, that February reminds me of my precious baby birth. Even though now this was already 18 months ago. *sigh*
Lots of love to you and have a wonderful, easy pregnancy!
so glad you can let the cat out of the bag!!! i was excited the day you told me and am still just as excited. hope you are feeling great and i can't wait to see the buddha belly!! you HAVE to take pics my dear...
Congratulations Nicole!!! Wonderful news. I hope you have a smooth pregnancy throughout. Enjoy this wonderful and magical time. Marta, my first child was born on the 1st of february, a very special month for us. And she's great fun!
Nicole, that's great news! So happy for all of you.
Another beautiful child, congratulations!
Yay! Congratulations!
I was visiting your Rav pages while you were away and guessed this news by all the lovely baby things you were making for February... ;)
Congrats again, this is so wonderful!
Congratulations! I have a little one with a February birthday. I think it's a wonderful time to have a birthday! I wish you a wonderful pregnancy and easy transition in your family. The transition from two to three was a bear for us so I always hope it's much easier for others!!
Every child is a blessing of course, but there was something about number three for me that was just perfect. A more peaceful homebirth than my previous one, and an easier transition from two children to three. Congratulations!
So happy for you! Wonderful news!
How fantastic! So many congratulations - I bet the girls are thrilled!
Much love for a restful preganancy - now put your feet up!
Congratulations!! So happy for you and your family!!
Congratulations ~ I think you have a fabulous moment!
My Moment ~ a sweet note I found from my oldest daughter after she had left for a few days away from home.
oooh! I wondered as much when I read your last post!
*oh happy dance!*
Glad the cat is out of the bag so I can openly gush and fawn!
Congratulations again to you and your gorgeous soon-to-be-bigger
Speaking of bigger.... when are the belly pics coming ;}?
Less than three gajillion!
Oh What Blessed News!!! I was hoping that was what you were planning on announcing! Congratulations to you and your husband, the whole family must be thrilled!!!
Congratulations,Nicole! I am so very happy for you!
So great, congratulations!!!!
Congratulations! :)
That's what March means to me...
Congratulations!!! For me it's December/January... and it's nr. 2+3 :)
Wishing you the very best for your pregnancy and wohle your family!
Greetings from Austria. Love the text of m.hawkins, there's something similar in German language, but I think the English one sounds better.
Yay yay yay! So happy for you and your family. *hugs*
Oh Nicole,you gave me a little hint I think on my giveaway - Congratulations!!!!!
So, so exciting.
hurray! and congratulations! february is a wonderful time to have a baby in portland! you sometimes even get sunshine and daffodils too. : )
I've been a reader for a while, and just wanted to send loving congrats! Your blog is a huge source of inspiration and education on Waldorf living! Wishing you the best on your journey! SAT NAM!!!!!
Congratulations! So happy for you and your family :)
Congratulations! So happy for you:)
Congratulations Nicole from a February baby :) I'm so happy for you! Cristina
Congratulations! My third is a February baby :)
What a beautiful way to announce your 3rd blessing! Congrats Nicole to you and your family :D
My first is also a February baby. You'll enjoy having the extra weight during the winter for warmth- lol..I know I did :D
Awwww! Congratulations! I had no idea what you were telling us in the previous post! Wishing you an uneventful pregenancy!
oh wow... I didn't get it on the first view of the picture.... because those tests look so much different over here ;-)
I am very excited :-)
Oh, happy day to you! Congratulations on you wonderful news! Wishing you a healthy and peaceful pregnancy.
Hooray! What wonderful news! Congratulations and best wishes to you and your family!
Counting Coconuts
Congratulations many times over! How wonderful and exciting!!!
Congrats! xx
Congratulations Nicole!...That is such wonderful news!...I wish you a happy, healthy pregnancy with much winter knitting before your little one arrives :-)
congratulations Nicole! I'm so happy for you, and I hope you are feeling good!
lots of love,
oh, huge congrats!
Congratulations!!! I just remembered the thrill when you see those two lines!
Wow, everyone... I don't know what to say!! Thank you so much!!
That is SOOOO wonderful Nicole...I'm so happy for you. You are such a good mother...this baby will be so blessed.
Congratulations on number three. What a blessed little child to come into a home filled with SO much love and care. :-)
Blessings to you and your beautiful growing family!
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