Packages on their way out
I don't know where the time went but somehow or other I only have a little over a week to finish up the girls presents. I cut way back on what I wanted to make them. My tired body is warning me to slow it down a bit and do less, so I have to listen unless I want to be sick for Christmas...umm no! I am realizing now that I don't need to make everything at once. I had plans of stockings, a tree skirt, knitted items for their dollhouse... but then I came to the realization that I can just do a little every year. It doesn't NEED to be all at once. Yes, it's true, I'm trying to bring my obsessive behaviors into check. Probably about time, huh?!
The quilt is slowly coming along, I have had to rip out more than enough stitches to count but I think it will be done by Christmas. I am beginning to wonder though if I may have *gasp* chosen too many pink fabrics for it. I think we all know of our love for all things peachy pink but this may have gone too far...
A couple of weeks ago I got the most beautiful yarn in the mail from Three Irish Girls. The picture does not do it justice at all. It is a heavenly peachy pink colorway that just screams to be knit up. It was a limited edition and I am so very thankful to Kyrie for e-mailing me about it. She knew I would love it, and boy, was she right! I think it is my absolute favorite colorway. Sadly, I only ordered two skeins of it and I am kicking myself now, I could just see entire wardrobes knit up for both K and C out of this. *sigh* For now I will be content with knitting a neighborly out of it.
I didn't plan on adding to my knitting list but I just had to knit this up. It's coming along rather quickly. Knitting really is a big stress reliever for me, so needless to say, in this last week before Christmas I have been picking it up a lot. I am not planning to have it done by Christmas but if I do then it will be a gift for K. I even found some cute squirrel buttons to go on it.
With the holidays quickly approaching I may be a bit more sporadic with posting on here. I will take each day as it comes and go from there. I hope you all understand.
Happy creating!!
I can't wait to see the quilt when you have it finished! I love the yarn! The colorway is quite lovely. :)
This pink thing you are making is luscious! Beth
Oh, how beautiful! That yarn belongs with you :)
Happy creating! Enjoy it!!
xo K
I love that yarn & I can't wait to see what else you have made. I hear you on making less then you had originally planned. Sometimes expectations need to be reset... mine anyway!
I totally hear you. There have been such solid week-to-week handmaking deadlines here that I have been putting off the solstice/christmas gifts because they aren't due yet! But, now they are! Oh dear... +Chelsea
That's gorgeous yarn - sometimes I wish I had girls to knit for! ;)
The yarn is wonderful. Knitting is such a wonderful relaxer.
Thank you for sharing.
Oooh, I love TIG! I have three skeins of "Isla" just waiting to be knitted up into something for my little Isla! (Who can resist buying their child's namesake yarn? Who???)
It will all look beuatiful I am sure.
Good you cut down on the amount of projects...same here... That is the bad thing of the creative mind, it can just continue to come up with new projects and there is only so much time. Hope you get it all done in time. I better get going myself
Love those colors. Looking forward to seeing the finished product. :)
Just wanted to leave a quick comment about how beautiful your projects are. I usually just lurk, but I thought of your family today b/c the forecast for VA for the weekend is snow. (I live in VA, about 3hrs north of where you were). The thought of snow made me think of your old banner w/ the sheep in the snow. This will be our 2nd major snowfall of the year.
I'm sure I won't be getting done all the things I hoped to make either! I suppose some ideas will have to become later winter projects instead.
I really don't think you used too many pinks in the quilt. Impossible! I bet you do the "pink load" of laundry as often as I do :)
it's great to take a realistic look at what is possible.
i am loving the yarn and will look forward to the quilt and the look on C's eyes loving it.
It looks as if you are making some beautiful stuff. I love that yarn! Knitting is relaxing for me too, but I must say, there is one project now that is hard for me, not because it is difficult knitting, but because of circumstances surrounding it...
I really relate to what you wrote about now everything needing to be done this year, right now. I am struggling to keep those tendencies in check too!
Gorgeous yarn! I can relate to feeling like there isn't enough time at the end to finish everything (especially when we like to craft things ourselves!). Next year, I am going to start making presents in July. Lol!
Oh Dear Friend, as a mother to 3 boys, can I tell you that there is! I really can't wait to see all your gorgeous projects completed and photos of the girls *LOVING* them!
oh nicole, are minds are on the same wavelength today, with posting!
happy holidays to you and your sweet family!
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