The third light of Advent is the light of beasts,
Light of hope that shines in the greatest and the least...
Sheep appeared and circled our Advent wreath to represent the animal kingdom.
We added our animals to the manger. Currently, the only animal we have for our Nativity is Mary's donkey (look here to find out why our set up is small).
K added her own decoration to our Advent wreath to celebrate St. Lucia day (which was also yesterday). It's a picture Mel of Haddy2Dogs gave her at the Winter Faire.
Santa Lucia, Thy light is glowing,
Through darkest winter night, Comfort be stowing,
Dreams float on wings of night, Come then the morning light,
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia
-Traditional Italian
Our St. Lucia day was a bit of a mishap but I think the girls still enjoyed it, nonetheless. We made the St. Lucia buns recipe found in 'The Waldorf Kindergarten Snack Book' but I forgot that recipe was made for a classroom of children, as well as a few adults, so we had quite a lot of dough to work with. Then our dough didn't rise so our buns came out pretty dense. Oh well, lesson learned for next year, right?
Our needle felted St. Lucia (by Haddy2Dogs) stood beautifully on our nature table. She will be hung on our tree later today.
K wore her beautiful St. Lucia crown (again by Haddy2Dogs) all day long dancing around singing 'I'm St. Lucia!'. I had a hard time getting a picture of her in it, unfortunately. She has been acting like her mama lately, not wanting to be in front of the camera.
Ok and last but not least the randomly chosen winner of the knitted fruit basket ornament is:
Kimberley Lynch
Congrats Kimberley! Please e-mail me (farmergopi@yahoo.com) your address and I will mail it out ASAP! Those extra chances really do help!
Thank you to everyone that entered, I truly do wish I could knit one up for all of you. I read every single comment posted and wow, your kind words mean so much to me and truly inspire me. Thank you! I hope you enjoy the pattern and please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Please e-mail pictures! I would love to see them.
Thanks again! I hope you all have a wonderful week!
I won! I won! I am beyond excited! Merci mille fois!
PS-Your K would have been matching with my Mia who also had a crown by Mel! Too cute (we also made the buns...but had enough guests that we were able to eat them all! Ok...I ate like 4--they were super yummy!)
lovely st.lucia......wonderful feltwork!
happy days,
Mel does such beautiful work, doesn't she? You are lucky to have her locally - WOW!
Congratulations to Kimberley! I am sure the ornament will be loved for many years to come!
love the crown & ornament!
Love the St Lucia stuff :)
I loved celebrating St. Lucia's day with my daughter when she was little! I love what Haddy2Dogs made, too! Beth
Kimberley - I aplogize for not e-mailing you yet! Your package is going out tomorrow :)
Boatbaby - If you only knew how amazing and kind Mel is in person ,too <3 She is helping me so much in finding my community here.
I love your blog and flickr :)
We made Lucia Buns for the second time and they turned out really well! Come over to my blog for the recipe - and a couple of posts about how we celebreated Lucia Day.
I'm an American artist living in Germany, and my little girl is named Lucia - so it is a very special day for us too :)
oooh, how I love the goodies from Mel! So perfect for K!
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