Wednesday, July 15, 2009

WIP Wednesday: Toasties & Kitties & Yarn, OH MY!

Would you believe that I have been so busy I haven't had my camera around my neck 24/7? Could it be?! I don't have photos of all my current WIPs but I can still tell you about them, right?

Ok, I finished up the knitting for my Seasons Round swap package. Don't forget today is the last day for sign ups! I do have to say that they came out so cute! I can't say what they are because one of you may end up my swap partner and I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise! I just need to gather a couple things from nature and my package will be set to go. I'm already dreaming up what I will make for the winter Seasons Round swap.

I finally got around to blocking my toasties I knit last winter so they are all set for this fall in Oregon. I plan on finishing up my Odessa hat to go with them. These were the very first thing I knit for myself (and sadly, still the only thing I have knit for myself so far). I hope to find more time, somehow, to make things for myself a bit more.

Gotta love the colors

I've been working on a little yarn dyeing project for my friend Shelley and it's almost done and ready to mail.

My special pattern for our trip on the Oregon Trail came in the mail a couple days ago so I am mentally preparing to start on that and I am about to cast on K's birthday sweater. I found some super yummy malabrigo in the floral colorway to knit it up in (yes, C will have a matching one as well!).

Lastly, I thought I would share one of K's current WIPs. Her kitty bed. She has been pretending to be a kitty a lot lately. She needed a comfy place to sleep so she stole my laundry basket,some blankets and one of our wool rugs.

Voila! Instant kitty bed. The real kitties have been enjoying it too!

I will try and get pics of all the above mentioned for later in the week. On a more personal note, thank you again everyone for all your help with our house hunting. I still owe a couple of you e-mails and I promise to get back to you soon!! <3

Happy Creating!



Kimberley said...

My Mia pretends to be a kitty or a doggie all the time! Must be the age! I hear you with knitting for yourself...last winter I decided to make myself socks...I made one...and haven't made the other yet! Maybe this winter! Good luck with all the packing and odds and ends!

Anonymous said...

Nicole, Thank you for reminding me about the swap! With vacation I had completely forgotten about it! Cute pink toasties too.

Joy said...

The toasties are cute! I'm excited about the Seasons Round swap too, but I haven't started on mine yet. I'm kind of waiting to see who I get paired with. :) K makes a cute little kitten!

Mom IsAmagpie said...

All of my girls have been kitties at some point or another right now we are enjoying the youngest enjoy her inner feline.
Those mitts are lovely, and I can't wait to see what everyone came up with for the swap.

waldorfmama said...

i love, love, LOVE the yarn (of course). :) and the season's round swap is going to be fun!

Unknown said...

i'm in the swap! wouldn't that be funny if we got each other..teehee...i am working on mine this weekend, that's the plan anyway..;)

love the toasties! you'll get alot of use out of them in oregon! ;)

FrontierDreams said...

kimberley- that soundsl ike me! i have slipers i want to knit myself but am afraid to start b/c i know i won't finish them for a long time! :p

martha- yay! did you make it in?

joy- i know, i feel silly for having my package all done so soon. if it wasn't for the move i would've waited but i wanted to make sure i got this done in time.

hunny bunny- so sweet! i am really enoying this kitty phase.

shelley- it will be on it's way to you soon! ;)

cat- i can't wait to see who i am partnered up with!! i have a feeling it will be someone i 'know' b/c so far i 'know' everyone on the list. i can't wait!
and yes please BRING ON THE COLD in oregon!!!

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