First I have to say some big news! My baby C who just started getting up on her hands and knees began CRAWLING TODAY! backwards..mind you but crawling none the less!! I can't believe this!
But poor thing has a bad mama :( Even though I know her body has a hard time processing soy at all.. I gave in to the darkside and had a tofu hot dog we are both paying for it. I feel sick and she's having projectile spit up :( *banging head against wall* why did I eat that?!
Ok now back to our Martinmas celebration....
It was a blast as usual. K was excited all day to go. It was a bit crowded but still tons of fun.
Here's K coloring her lantern paper:
C in her cupcake hat and I holding K's lantern:
K walking with her lantern
Our stop in the gazebo for photo ops:
More pics of C in her cupcake hat and mitten set.This pic cracks me up. She's trying to teeth on the chair and her cherry on her mitten looks like some kind of laser or something, tee hee.
I finished knitting these just in time for Martinmas. I never did get the hang of crocheting so I made up my own edging and needle felted the cherry on top.
Such lovely photos! The hat is even more adorable on C~ great job on that!redled
I love the cupcake hat Nicole...The photos are lovely, it looks like you guys had a great time :-)
How cute!! I love the cupcake! Youre so good at knitting obviously!
Im so sad we missed out on Martinmas yesterday. DD#1 was sick. There's always next year, right?
Mmm...cupcake!!! My 8-month-old just became mobile (army crawling) the other day. Are you in a flurry of babyproofing as well? I thought it was already taken care of, but the wee one has found more than a few choking hazards.
Question about the nature table in the bedroom - do you do two nature tables, or just the one? I had to convert our table into a higher shelf today (thanks to the babe!) and I'm not very happy with it. It's just not as interactive that way. I've been brainstorming a way to have things out for my older son while keeping them out of the hands of Baby.
hat+mittens=death by cuteness!!!
Thank you ladies!! You are all so sweet!
The hat was going to be the death of me but ended up AOK in the end.LOL
Jess- I'm sorry you missed it this year but yes there is always next year! You'll love it!
Nicole- yes!! baby proofing like crazy!!We currenlty have 2 nature table,one in her bedroom which is petty simple and flled with things she made and then our more involved one in the playroom. We will have a 3rd nature table the end of December when I get my grandfather's piano. I plan on making the top of it the nature table with breakable things the kiddos (and cats!) need to stay away from. Im ab it nature table crazy!
Michelle- you made me crack up with your comment!
Great pictures. I love the hat... and you look great in the one of you and C!
K is such a sweety, she reminds me so much of Cora.
oh, and TAG!
great pictures! i love your blog
hey nicole, I thought I had lost you forever!!! I just ran across a comment you left on another bloggers place, so I though I would come by and say HI! Love the pics, your kids are adorable...come by my spot sometime!!! Krishna
also, I dont see the link to follow your blog on blogspot.. I dont have and dont want any of the other services listed in your subscribe there another way?
Two of my babys started movement by going backwards...the other rolled! Quite efficient and fast! Whatever gets them "there", right? K must be very proud of her own nature table in her room. It looks lovely. And the hat and perfection! It's funny how creative we can become when we don't quite get the directions! I NEVER make anything 100% like you're suppose to. Keeps life interesting, right?
Thank you everyone!
Sheila-ahh TAG what do I do? LOL
Nicole- Thank you :) I hope to see you around more!
Krishna!!!!!!!! Oh my I thought I lost you too!! How wonderful!!!!
I have to check in on your twins! <3
hmm I'n not sure about subscribing...Anyone know? I just started subscribing to other blogs.
Kimara-how funny! I'm glad to know C isn't the only backwards crawler!LOL
and yes! not following directions makes life so much more interesting!
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