C and K playing together the other morning. I can't wait til they are able to play together a lot of the time. It's so sweet to watch.
Not the best pic b/c I was in between the playstand but I knew if I moved they would stop playing. That's our fat cat Midnight in the cozy corner in the background. Last time we weighed him he was at 17lbs!!!
I am still avoiding finishing the knitted farmyard. I'm just so frustrated with it right now so I'm settling my mind with other projects. You saw the hat and mittens for C and I just finished a hat for K and an working on the mittens. Pics of that to be posted later :)
I had a custom order from a wonderful mama in C's due date club. This little lamb is her baby's Christmas present. I feel honored to have the opportunity to make this lamb for him.
I decided C needed a sweater to match the one I made for K (for her birthday) It's a little big on her but that's perfect for her to grow into this winter.
C also outgrew her booties so I knitted her another pair but altered the pattern to make them bigger. This yarn is my favorite I LOVE the pink/orange color combo. It's by Three Irish Girls and the color way is 'Fiona' which also happens to be the name of K's best friend!
I didn't make this autumn fairy but I had to share it. She looks so sweet hanging from an oak tree branch above our nature table.
soooooo adorable, i love that they're playing together already! i think it took jasper much longer to have much interest in actually playing with millie!
You are so talented! I really like seeing what you do.
I've been enjoying my two kiddos playing together, too. It's nice while it lasts!
Oh my, everything in this post is just so beautiful. Love the sweater and booties. Did you make that pilot cap too?
Ooooh lovely, I think the blue sweater is the same pattern I made for my son! I love it...I'm making leg warmies now...I just learned to knit in september...I love it...can't believe I waited so long to learn...now I can't stop! I love the pic of the girls playing...so sweet. Sisters are special...mine is my best friend...she even took off 2 years to watch my daughter when I went back to work the first time...consequently they have an amazing bond.
Yours in thinking about sisterly love,
Oh Nicole, what beautiful, sweet pictures and what adorable things you craft! I love the picture of the girls together, there's something so special when your children are friends.
you are so talented and your family is so beautiful! do you sell stuff? i could link you on my blog...
mk is doing better from what i hear through the grapevine. she is at the swamibarn and can be reached there. rama is coming to visit her soon. she is really doing much better.
Glad you found my blog!
I've missed you!
Yes, let's definitely hang out and knit. And I wanna know what pattern you used for that cupcake hat- too cute.
Thank you everyone. Sorry I am slow in responding lately!
Aren't siblings the best?! I am so happy we want a big family to let all our crazy kiddos play together... I'm no looking forward to the fighting though!
Amanda- I didn't make the pilot cap. It's made by Ruskovilla. I picked it up locally at Kinderhaus Toys. A super talented mama made C one thats more beautiful (and is actually making her another one now)her store is at:
Kimberley- Isn't knitting addictive?! I only learned about 2 years ago and I'mhooked. I always have to be knitting something now. What an amazing sister you have! Wow! That is so sweet!
Marina- <3 Thank you! Are you in labor yet?!?!?
Thanks :) I really have no clue what I'm doing!
Im not currently selling things,just custom orders here and there so I can keep up with all the knitting the girls need :)
Thank you for the MK update. I'm gonna email you. I miss you! <3
Jessica- Yay! I need to get your info again.. I'll contact you on ravelry :)
oops! How did I not see the 1st 2 comments? ughh! Sorry!
Lori- I know isn;t it crazy? Remember how insane I was at 1st? Now look how everything is falling into place <3
Jennifer- you're too kind. Thank you!
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