We knew we couldn't keep them..2 dogs,2 cats 1 rat and 2 kids is a lot for us to handle. It wouldn't be fair to any of them to add more on to that..or at least that's what I keep telling myself. I called the few no kill shelters we have and they were all full.There was no place left to bring these guys except for the SPCA. So we had to bring them there. The workers there wee really nice and kept thanking us. We asked them to keep the 3 of them together,at least until they are adopted b/c it was obvious they had always been together. I felt ok when we were dropping them off and felt like I was doing the right thing but then when they took them away tears welled up in my eyes. I was afraid we did the wrong thing. I don't know..what else could we have done? Anything? Should we have kept them longer and tried to find owners for them ourselves? We really had no way to keep them but should I have found a way? I feel like I let them down. What if the SPCA decides they are not adoptable and puts them down?! ughhhhhhh. This is so hard.
Anyways,here's the poor souls that I wish we could have kept and nurtured until their last days. Pics taken after their baths:
What do you guys think? Did we do enough? Did we make the wrong choice? Should we have done more?
Such a hard call, isn't it? I rescued a dog from the middle of a busy road last spring. He was in bad shape, filthy, smelly, but I coaxed him in my car. He was old and wheezing. I took him to a local animal hospital that's open 24/7. He did have a collar on and they thanked me and told me they would try to locate the owner. I called the next morning and found out he had been picked up by his owner. To be very honest I was expecting a phone call of thanks, but none came. Then, by sheer happenstance, I found out the dog lived on the street of a friend. She told me the dog was neglected by it's owner, a rather nasty human being, and spent his whole life tied up in the backyard. Neighbors took pity on him and would come and walk him and bring him treats during the day when the man was at work. THIS is how I saved the dog...by returning him to an awful man! This has bothered me beyond belief. Until recently we had 5 dogs...we are both dog lovers...and I felt a bond to this dog. Wish I had just kept him, but how was I to know. I refuse to ask my friend about the dog and she's kind enough not to bring it up. But as she pointed out at the time, although his home wasn't great, it was better than being hit by a car or dying lost in the woods.
Okay, obviously, you weren't asking for other people's dog stories, just a little something to help you feel better. Well, here it is...you did the best you could. If the dogs were left in the wild for much longer, they probably would have gotten sick or starved and faced an inhuman end. You gave them a chance. That's a lot! Feel good about what you did and hold good thoughts that they will find a comfy home to finish out their days. With cute faces like theirs, I'm sure someone will scoop them up! But I understand your heavy heart. But feel good knowing you helped them.
You did your best. No shelter wants to put animals down. If they are place able they will do their best to place them. But I totally know the feeling that you are going through.
Hi...I have never commented before, but this post was so sad. I think what you did was lovely, I'm sure there are people who would have just left them...you did all you could.
Hugs xxx
p.s it's cat2116 from the waldorf forum at mdc.
Oh sweetie, you did such a wonderful thing to bring them in out of the rain, bathe and feed them! It really reminded me of the spirit of Martinmas. Given your family situation with your own little zoo and little ones I don't think there's anything more you could have done.
I adopted a dog years ago that had been at the shelter for 6 months and had been scheduled to be put down the week after we had found each other. I know not all dogs get happy endings, but what you did ensured that the happiest ending could be found (and what a wonderful example you set for your girls!). Many, many hugs to you!
Oh my! Now my heart is heavy! You guys did a sweet thing and I am sure those dogs loved that short time they were loved by you all. If it had been me who found those dogs, my husband would never speak to me again lol You have a family and other animals so its hard. I wonder if you can call the shelter to have them call you if no one wants them--and find a no-kill shelter elsewhere. Ive heard something somewhere that people volunteer to transport pets from one place to another (sometimes even across country) to new homes or to no-kill shelters that have available spaces. What about an animal sancutary? Just some thoughts I'd share with you? Ill be happy to help look around the internet for you after I put my girls down for the night tonight.
One more idea...I wonder if you can find them a foster care program where they would be placed in a foster home?
*hugs* You were kind, and kindness is always a good thing. Better those dogs be put down in a shelter after spending their last days safe, warm, and fed rather than hit by a car out on the street or starving.
The pictures brought tears to my eyes. If I had been in your shoes I would have done the same thing. Regardless of how it turns out I'm sure they appreciated your kindness towards them!
Kindness is kindness...and you were kind and did the best thing you could...they look awful sweet--I'm sure they'll be adopted in no time...
Thank you everyone. I needed to hear your kind words so much! You are all so sweet and kind to take the time to reply. Thank you, truly, you are all such kind souls!
Kimara, thank you so much for your story.It made me cry b/c I feel for what you went through *big hugs*
oh, what crazy furry doggies they are! you did the right thing taking them in and making a really hard choice that you couldn't keep them. hopefully they will find homes. our two doggies we just adopted a few weeks ago traveled up from kentucky to their foster home next town over from us in illinois, and then we found them online and adopted them a few weeks after that. there is definitely hope they will find new homes!
that is a really good idea about asking them to contact you if they are not able to find homes in time. you could always try to advertise yourself to help them find homes -- there are some tips on the site for the rescue we adopted through here -- http://www.underdog-rescue.com/look.htm.
we once took in a stray when we lived in the city, tried to find his owner through shelters and putting up posters, and just from that received 2-3 calls wanting to adopt him. which is what ended up happening, once we realized our doggie would not tolerate sharing us or his house with the stray. he ended up being adopted by the manager of a local pet store and i was so happy to have helped him find a new home and kept him out of harm's way that week or two we had him.
anyway, don't beat yourself up if you don't hear anything and try not to worry too much! have trust things will work out as they are meant to.
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