For my sewing friend Renee - see I told you I was sewing!
I am just noticing that this green yarn I am using looks pretty similar to the yarn I used for Baby L's Small Things romper. Guess I am unconsciously attracted to that shade of green.
The C Ingalls Wilder is not done just yet. I finished up the front half of it and now need to work on the back and then add pockets. I am about halfway there. A couple of other projects that are needed sooner have taken priority this week. Scratch that, more than a couple - six projects. These projects (that I procrastinated too long on) have me biting my nails in suspense wondering if I will really finish them up in time. That reminds me, I should get back to work! Short and to the point this week.
Thank you for being so kind and supportive with my announcement yesterday. The book
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