Advent has been on my mind a lot lately. No, I didn't put up a decoration at my desk months's actually always there. It reminds me of such a special time and the meaning behind that special time. I am hoping it will help to keep me grounded and humble as I try to finish up those last minute gifts at Christmas time (which always happens, even if I am only making one gift for each child!)
Last month I showed K baby to K's kindergarten teacher. She then asked me if I would be willing to make a doll for the classroom. Gasp. I think my jaw may have hit the floor. That's such a huge deal to me and, oh my, what an honor! There was no way I could turn that down.
I have been procrastinating on making the doll, though, because I am so nervous to mess her up. I mean, I am making a Waldorf doll for Waldorf teachers in a Waldorf school. I just feel unqualified and/or inadequate to do so! Eeeek!! But I said I would have her done in time for our parent meeting this weekend so now I really have to get to work. Oh, but before I get too far on her... anyone have any tips for making almond shaped eyes?
Speaking of the meeting, this one will be about education and the four births, and caring for the life forces of the young child. Oh, and I almost forgot - the upcoming lantern walk! I am such a dork but I absolutely love parent meetings and our 'homework' we get. It's one of the highlights of every month for me.
After the meeting Kevin and I are hoping to take the little ones pumpkin pucking. I am secretly hoping to get some pictures of the three of them in their pumpkin hats then. We'll see if it works out.
The girls have been having fun knitting with me lately. They want to knit with needles but I know they are not ready for that yet (K will learn next year in first grade). So I let them pick out some needles (only when I am seated with them) and some yarn and then they 'knit'. I don't tell them or show them how to knit but just knit with them. They watch me pretty intently. K learned how to cast on from just observing me.
C just enjoys wrapping the yarn around the needles.
Of course this all happened on our bed where there is no light, and the walls are dark to add insult in injury (the last owners painted 2 of the bedroom walls white and the other two this icky shade of dark red). Seriously, we joke our bedroom is a cave. I rarely take photos in there because I know it's a lost cause. Oh well, these photos are about the moment, right?
I thought I would leave you with a little link love.
First is an interesting link (which has even more interesting links at the bottom of it) about the purpose and importance of fairy tales.
And then this is my dream costume...if only I had more time to make it!
Happy reading!
Last chance to enter the Organic Family Cookbook giveaway. Comments close this Sunday.