Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Snowflakes & Sweaters

I must start off by thanking all of you for your St. Nicholas gift suggestions! I now have the perfect thing, thanks to Nadja. I am still thinking of making Baby L an ornament (thank you!), too, if I have the time. I love the beaded star ornament from the ornament exchange I was part of in the Winter 2010 issue of Living Crafts. It seems fitting for Baby L as he is my little light. I loved all of your suggestions for variations of balls, too. I actually have been planning on making him a couple of balls for his first birthday so I am holding off on those for now.

Now on to knitting - some in progress, some not.

I finished Baby L's flakey socks. I am now quite glad I did not save this project as a St. Nicholas gift...

Mama, something isn't right here...

here's big sister to sneak into the picture help out!

Uh-oh. Wait a minute!

Yeah, those size 6 - 12 month socks almost fit C. I know my children tend to have small feet but this seems a bit silly. Is this an issue with the pattern or me? I really couldn't tell you. I am leaning towards an issue with me, though. I didn't take the time to check my gauge, which I know is a big no-no in knitting. Does it make it even worse if I tell you that I almost never check my gauge?
Oh well, the good news is that he'll grow into them. The not-so-good news is that it won't be for quite a while.

I had the chance to knit and plan Christmas gifts in the van last weekend when we took a little trip up to Mt. Hood. The photo above gives you an idea of a couple of things I have going on. The first is what I cast on for that trip (I needed some mindless knitting). It's a little something for Baby L and I - the Babywearer, or as the girls and I are referring to it - the papoosa. That project is not Christmas related at all but just something Baby L and I need to help keep us warm around the house.
The book you see with the yarn is a project taunting me for Christmas time. I have decided to knit the girls and their special baby dolls their own sweaters from Phoebe's Sweater. If I plan on pulling that off I need to get started pronto! I have been busy studying ravelry notes from other knitters who have made these sweaters and I am now in the process of deciding on yarn. Since I will be working on these sweaters for the next couple of months I know I will need motivation and inspiration from friends to keep me going. I thought it might be fun to host a Phoebe's Sweater Knit Along. Anyone care to join me? I was thinking I would have it 'officially' start the beginning of November (for those of us finishing up Halloween costumes - like yours truly). These sweaters are so beautiful and would make such great holiday gifts. You know you want to join me!

In the meantime...
What are you working on? Happy creating!


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Very cute, but I would rather have a Shalom kid's knit along :) It's a beautiful sweater, I'm going to have to figure it out for a 3.5 year old.
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
I'm in but knitting and I are not getting along very well :) I just pulled out 180 sts off my needles and through the yarn across the room.
Oh, something we do not have in common for a change, I could not possibly ever ever ever knit in the car! I wouldn't dare even try. You're lucky that you can!
I saw that color of cascade eco wool at the yarn shop last week, (looked at your ravelry page) I like it. Neat project!
I would join in with the doll sweater part of your knit along, except for that I don't have the book. I might be knitting another style doll sweater though, haven't quite decided yet. Seems like most of my handmade gifts this year are going to be knitted.
I sure won't be starting any new big people sweaters, since I am just finishing up these two cardigans.
Tonight I cast on for Chloe's winter hat, which is a bonnet actually. I came to the computer to check out this "improved" ssk. And then got distracted by your post. So now back to knitting...
Oh those socks on your little one are just adorable but I'm with you and never check my gauge. So terribly naughty of us LOL.
Sounds great. I have been trying to work on my Christmas list for a couple of weeks already, and here is so cold right now, that I just want to make sleepers for everybody.
I'm also interested on helping my boy to make his gifts, he is 5 now, so he is more than ready, and I think this book got great ideas for things with kids. http://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Handbook-Malcolm-...
Maybe you could find it in the Library.

You are one of my knitting idols, and the knit of a sweater like that is still a lot for me, even when I will love to join.
wish i could knit... looking forward to seeing the finished project. I crocheted a little place mat for my almost two year old, made it yesterday really quick project using really thin yarn. She seemed to really like and I really like that my daughter gets a place mat just the same as mom and dad.
Such cute socks! I don't like to check my gauge either, I usually do about an inch and call it good!
wahou! the babywearer is a big project. Your yarn s really, really nice. is it cascade yarn heather?
I never check gauge either ;) The socks are adorable, shame they didn't fit their intended recipient right away.
I'm not a gauge checker either! Those socks are adorable anyway! x
Nothing wrong with floppy socks! Gives little toes wiggle room ;)
Cute socks. And I would love to join you on a Phoebe knitalong!
I love everything that you'rew working on. I really need to get "Phoebe's Sweater" for my niece. That is such a cute book.
Ha, I almost never check my gauge when I knit something for Kaya; I need to do it often enough for shop knitting! It works out most of the time, but it's lucky to have another pair of feet that fit best! And baby L will grow into them sooner or later. So sweet!
I love the little--uh, well, not so little--socks. And I would love to do Phoebe's sweater if I wasn't already up to my neck in Christmas knitting (6 kids to knit for, you know--I think I began knitting for Christmas in May or June!). And I never check gauge. When I recently did, something still went awry. I guess if I ever buy some really pricey yarn I'll try to do a gauge swatch, but most of my stuff is from Knit Picks or on sale...so I don't really sweat it!
Uh, yeah, I never check gauge. It's mostly been fine, and I've only been bitten by gauge screw-ups a couple of times in many years of knitting, so I'll continue to wing it! I have the book and wanted to make my daughter a phoebe sweater, but I've not found a yarn that is affordable....do you have any ideas on that? I cannot fathom spending nearly $100 on it, but that's what a good quality, all-wool version of this sweater would cost me (she is 6 1/2 so I'd need the largest size).
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
Oh that would be so fun! My Jenny wants the sweater too, and I'm sure she would love a matching dolly sweater too...I can't wait to see details for a KAL! I'm thinking of using Cascade Eco + for it...

The socks are SO CUTE! :)
Cute pie socks! (I don't check gauge either) I feel like a sinner!
Love the socks -- so pretty and bright! And yes, I'd love to join a Phoebe's Sweater KAL. I finally made up my mind on which yarn to use and ordered it a few days ago, so it should be in soon. I'll be checking back for details.
The KAL sounds fun, but I can't find where to buy Phoebe's Sweater in Canada :(The KAL sounds fun, but I can't find where to buy Phoebe's Sweater in Canada :(

I don't suppose the pattern is on Ravelry?

2 replies · active 698 weeks ago
Oh my word! Can't even look at the project cause that baby is too stinkin' cute!
I've been eyeing those Phoebe sweaters forever now (as in before I even started knitting)! There is just no way I'd get them done for Christmas this year. I did make one for Sunshine's doll and am planning on writing about it on the yarn along later on today. The socks turned out great (even though they are too big) :) Glad to hear you worked out the St. Nicholas gifts. Good luck with those sweaters!
Yes, let's do a Phoebe KAL. I have been pondering what to knit T for Christmas and landed on a sweater...though hadn't sorted out the pattern. So this would be perfect and the motivation I need :).
Hmmm...definitely interested in a knit-a-long, but I'll have to wrap up a few WIPs first!
I love those socks! I'm not so good with using different colored yarns together for patterns :-) And as far as gauge...i never check mine either. Everything I make tends to be bigger than it needs to be...which works out well since my kids are growing like weeds :-)

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