Happy Martinmas everyone! K's Saint Martin play and lantern walk was last Friday and thankfully the rain stayed away long enough for the performance. I so enjoy watching the children act out this special story of Saint Martin and hope that it touches their hearts as much as it does mine. Saint Martin's act of kindness has such a beautiful and powerful message of compassion and reminds us all to see the light in every individual.
This year K's class played the part of the beggar (they were angels last year). K told me that beggars do NOT wear hats, therefore she could not wear one that day. She is becoming quite crafty with her negotiating as of late.
K's class was also in charge of the school's annual Martinmas coat drive. Our bins were overflowing with gifts of love and warmth to be given to local shelters and people in need. The sight of these gifts made me want to sing "This Little Light of Mine" at the top of my lungs.
I did manage to finish both of the girls' Martinmas cardigans in time for the play (C's is here and K's here). However I did not get a chance to take any photographs of them other than the two you see above that I snuck on the walk to the play. More photos and details on those soon!
If you are curious to find out more about Martinmas you can visit a past post here.
I hope you all have a beautiful Martinmas!! Happy Veterans day, too!