I finished up the play dress for K (using that fabric on sale to make this a $4 dress & bloomers set) and she loves it. Kevin nicknamed her Prairie Priya (Priya is her middle name) because she looks like a little prairie girl wearing it. I may have to sew her a little pinafore for her to complete the look. The pattern for the dress is Butterick B4176 view B and the pattern for the bloomers is McCall's M4505
I love the pattern it's fast and easy. I added about three inches in length to it and a pocket (thanks to Mary) for nature finds. It seems like the perfect play dress for her so I will surely be making more from this pattern in the future. I think the next time around I will change the closing in the back, though.
I am not sure what I did wrong, but the elastic on her sleeves keeps tucking under. Maybe I made the elastic too tight? As you can see - I am definitely learning as I go.
On the topic of dresses : I wanted to ask all of you if you have any personal favorite patterns for winter/fall dresses. I am going to the fabric store this Friday because they are having a big sale on patterns so I thought I would stock up now. With the weather here, I think we will get more use out of long sleeved dresses and jumpers, etc than the short sleeved ones. Thank you, thank you for your input!
Happy creating!!
Also the winner of the Waldorf Connection contest is:
Mom2Three said...
What a wonderful giveaway. I love Donna's stuff and I love Nicole's blog...very inspiring.
Kristine please e-mail me at farmergopi@yahoo.com. Thanks!!
I so admire you ladies who manage to sew clothes for your kids...it's sort of a fantasy of mine, but I still have to work out the fine details in real life!!
Thank you for sharing your creativity!
Very cute dress, Nicole! You did a great job. My guess on the sleeves would be to loosen the elastic, like you mentioned. I can't help on the winter dress patterns, but my grandmother has made a few for Elizabeth every winter so I know there are cute winter dress patterns out there. Some thick knit tights or wool legwarmers under the dress go a long way too. I can't wait to see what you come up with!
I love this dress and bloomers...a pocket is certainly a necessity in this house as well. Your creations are coming right along.
I am looking forward to seeing and hearing more about the Skuut adventures!
Prairie Priya looks like a vision of loveliness. So pretty!
Oh I just love those bloomers, too, too cute. as is your sweet little girl.
No suggestions but I would think you could alter the dress you made here into long sleeves? I choose to leave elastic out most of the time because I don't always know how to put it in correctly in the arms. And I prefer how a more loose arm feels. Anyway, I love how it turned out!!
Wonderful dress. She need a little Laura Ingalls apron!
I love the pattern! What pattern is it?
Oh, my. I LOVE it! That dress is seriously perfect, and yes... crying out for a pinafore. And bonnet. And braids.
oh, the bloomers! They just complete the look :-)
OH my gosh - that is absolutely precious! I LOVE it! You have so much talent - wish you could make dresses for my girls like that (lol)! I'd love to know where you got the pattern, too :D
THe bloomers are to die for! So cute!
Oh little prairie girl, so sweet! Sometimes when we are in town someone will tell the girls they look like they are from Little House on the Prairie, and their faces light up with such happiness!
I will think a bit on the long sleeve dresses and let you know if I have any ideas. K's new dress is so super cute though, I would suggest trying to lengthen the sleeves on that one! You can browse the patterns online too, maybe easier than sitting there at the fabric store doing it.
I thought of you while I was sewing for Chessa this weekend, though more procrastinating than sewing got done...
Oh, do please share the dress pattern! It is so sweet, and my two girls would love to play prairie this summer!
Pattern, please. :)
Hey Ni, I officially dare you to make something for yourself!!!
I so love this dress! K looks so cute :-)
OH, that pattern looks so cute sewn up with the sleeves! I am definitely doing another one with sleeves. Beautiful work and that fabric is gorgeous!
I know you are in Portland. Have you ever ventured down to Fabric Depot http://www.fabricdepot.com/index.php?
You have probably already been, just thought I'd mention it.
Great job on the dress, Nicole. K looks so sweet and happy in it.
As far as cold weather clothes, you have a few options. I would lengthen the sleeves on the dress pattern you have. Also, you could venture into knit dresses (fabric, not yarn. Any dress you have for short sleeves can be made in a heavier woven and lengthened sleeves for cooler weather. I'm thinking flannels, thin waled corduroy, jumpers made of wool suiting over cozy turtlenecks, long sleeve playdresses made form heavy knit interlock. Here are some patterns I've used for my 4.5yo DD:
http://www.banberryplace.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=7 I make the underdress mostly, the pinafore runs wide.
I make a jumper similar to Simplicity 9854
You can also take some long sleeve t shirts and add a woven skirt to them like this:
This dress is too cute!!! And the bloomers! I was always looking for bloomers for my girl when she was little so she could hang upside down on the monkey bars. Where did you find this pattern? I would like to make something for my nieces. much love, Beth
Just wanted to quickly add:
The pattern for the dress is Butterick B4176 view B and the pattern for the bloomers is McCall's M4505. HTH!! XO
What a lovely dress! My little girls would love something like this:)
A sweet - and easy! - fall/winter jumper is Simplicity 2483. My eldest especially likes the pockets:)
Such a cute little dress and I'm loving those bloomers!
I have a weekly Thursday blog party especially for people to share things they've made to be worn. Stop by if you'd like! It is called Make It Wear It and I host it at TheTrainToCrazy.com
LOVE the dress and especially her braids! I have bags and bags of thrifted fabric, a new sewing machine, and the skills to sew for my kids. The one thing I can't seem to find is TIME! Sigh. My own mom stayed up late every night sewing for us, and one of my strongest memories of childhood is standing on a kitchen chair, my mom with her mouth full of pins, me turning slowly so she could get the hem just right. What a joy and blessing!
Hey Nicole, have you seen this one? http://tonicoward.blogspot.com/2010/05/pattern-release-sprout.html
It's a brand new pattern (hard even to find online as of now, but it should be spreading around soon!), but it's fully lined with flannel, and the hood is just so stinkin' cute! :)
The dress is beautiful Nicole!...She looks great with her french braids and all...I always said if I had a daughter, she would have dresses like that...But you know me with the three boys and no one to make a dress for :-)
I'd love one of those dresses for Ella - have you ever considered selling???
Maybe you might want to read Little House in The Big Woods - we have with Ella (4 1/2) and it has been a terrific read and a special time together.
Lovely post,
Oh that dress and bloomers are just perfect Nicole!
Warm wishes, Tonya
Thank you so much everyone, I think you are all being much too kind with my sewing edeavours!
I make to someday make some things to sell but these girls keep adding to my list ;) I was thinking of trying to open an Etsy shop maybe this fall ,though. I'll keep you updated...
Thanks again and thank you for your help!!
Prairie Priya indeed looks very pretty in her prairie dress! I love the pattern.
I know nothing about sewing dresses but i look forward to trying one day, maybe next year:) i made this
and saw this on the same website
(with a pocket of course)
I have this pattern and plan to sew it soon! I was searching for reviews and found your blog post. Looks gorgeous! Why did you want to change the back closing? It would be interesting to know if there was something not good about it before I sew mine. Thank you again. :)
Hi Natalia! The back opening was just so big and left a long gap in the back of the dress that would open up wide when she would sit or bend over.
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