The past couple of nights I have been taking a break from creating (when the girls are asleep) to focus on myself as a parent, what I can do to help make our lives easier and try to prevent mama meltdowns. I ended up unpacking a box of my favorite books to look through and re-inspire me. I haven't had the chance to read (unless you want to count reading patterns...) since we left Virginia and I am vowing now to try and make more time for it. There are so many resourceful books out there and knowledge truly is power, so what is there to lose? It's so easy to forget what you have read a year ago so it seems like a good idea to me to re-read some of my favorite Waldorf/parenting books more often.
Finding these books again inspired me to post them to all of you. Who knows, maybe there might be one or two that you have not heard of before.I chose to keep my descriptions short and sweet. If you want a detailed description of any of these books, just look at the right side bar on the blog for my reading list and click on any of the titles.
Parenting books
The following are my favorite parenting books, in no particular order.
Heaven On Earth - Sharifa Oppenheimer
You Are Your Child's First Teacher - Rahima Baldwin Dancy (This one may very well be my all time favorite)
Beyond The Rainbow Bridge : Nurturing our children from birth to seven - Barbara J. Patterson & Pamela Bradley
Simplicity Parenting: Using the Extraordinary Power of Less to Raise Calmer, Happier, and More Secure Kids - Kim John Payne & Lisa M. Ross (I actually have not read this one yet but plan to, ASAP. I heard wonderful things about it from people at our school as well a some wonderful blogging friends.)
Safety/Natural Living
These books are ones I refer to quite often for keeping my girls' safe.
Set Free Childhood : Parents' Survival Guide to Coping With Computers and TV - Martin Large (We just recently got this from my friend Tiffeni and LOVE it. Our girls do not watch TV and this book has really helped me in explaining our decision to others)
Home Safe Home - Debra Lynn Dadd (THE ultimate guide for making your home safe, it covers everything you could ever think of)
The Discipline Book - Martha Sears, William Sears (Ok, this one doesn't really go with my theme! I almost didn't post it because it's not a 'go-to resource' for me, or one we use that often but we do get some good ideas from it)
Parent/Child Books
The Parent and Child Group Handbook - Dot Male (This is more of a handbook for people who want to start their own parent/child group but I have found it to be a great resource for things to do with my girls)
In a nutshell (Dialogues with Parents at Acorn Hill) - Nancy Foster (Great read with answers to a lot of questions I have had)
Echoes of a Dream : Creative Beginnings for Parent and Child - Susan Smith (A wonderful and small book that covers some activities, toys,crafts and even recipes for your smaller children)
Nurturing Children and Families : One Model of a Parent/Child Program in a Waldorf School - Sarah Baldwin (Great for learning more and parent/child classes and also to get ideas from)
Daydreaming and Inspiration
These are two of our favorite books for inspiration. The girls enjoy looking at them with me all the time, K especially because she can't wait to start school next year.
What is a Waldorf Kindergarten? - Sharifa Oppenheimer, Joan Almon, & Cynthia K. Aldinger (Great explanation of what a Waldorf Kindergarten is like. Beautiful pictures. The girls look at this more than I do just for the pictures!)
Raising Waldorf : The Building of the Waldorf School on the Roaring Fork - Waldorf Book Project (This is pretty much a permanent coffee table book. It's HUGE. It's the story of how the Roaring Fork Waldorf School came to be, which is an incredible read. The photos are breathtaking and this book is my main inspiration when it comes to making our home more Waldorf-Inspired. I could look through this book for hours and hours...)
Preparing for upcoming events
These aren't really part of our day to day books but with Spring and C's birthday just around the corner I have been flipping through them and couldn't resist adding them on.
Spring : Nature Activities for Children - Irmgard Kutsch & Brigitte Walden
The Birthday Book : Celebrations for Everyone - Anne Druitt & Christine Fynes-Clinton
That's about it, for now. I have so many more books that we keep as part of our mini-library, but these really are the main ones.
Wishing you all an inspiring week!!
great list, thanks!
Nicole, I didn't read about your Wednesday, but on my blog I mentioned that ours was so bad that Thursday was declared a "Mental Health Holiday"! Someone else told me that Wednesday was awful at her house as well. Perhaps it was in the air...!
Some of my wise mama friends write down or make copies of the most inspiring or important passsages of their favorite parenting books (How To Talk..., Continuum Concept, anything John Holt) and hang them on their refrigerators. They actually use them and refer to them during those bumpy parenting moments. As I don't have a normal fridge on the boat to hang reminders on, I can't do the same. But I love the idea anyhow! Thanks for sharing your books! There are many I didn't know about, and I love looking through new reads!
Thanks for sharing your books! Heaven on Earth is hands down my favorite and has helped me countless ways in being a more mindful and gentle parent. I can't wait to check out some of your books.
I love book posts! I am reading and have read many of these books, and just recently bought "Heaven on Earth" it is quickly becoming a favorite along with "You are your Child's First Teacher." I am excited to look into some of the other books include "Set free Childhood." Thanks for the ideas!
loving these all! can't wait to look the new ones to me, up in our library system!
Thank you for this wonderful list of beautiful books Nicole:)
Your forgetting *How to Raise Successful Children* by Dr. Sears! An attatched parent, holistic guide to doing great things for creating wonderful children. I think you should read this one for inspiration!
thanks :) i have read several of these and they are my mainstays, but i loved getting some new ones to add to the reading list. ps- we have several friends who work at the waldorf school in carbondale - it really is amazing isn't it? i am extra excited to grab the waldorf kindergarten book - i think that is a wonderful idea to let the kids become acquainted that way!
What great a book list, thank you for sharing. I have never heard of Simplicity Parenting, and I am eager to check it out.
your last post brought the book 'everyday blessings' to mind, zen + parenting!
Thanks you! There are so many books out there I never know which one to get! I have read a couple on the list, but am looking forward to reading more:)
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful list. A lot of the books are on my nightstand and others are new to me.
Thanks for sharing your list! Definitely read "Simplicity Parenting" it's one of my favorites and I think I'll be rereading it soon for inspiration (cyber book club, anyone ;}?)
Have you checked out "Buddhism for Mothers"? I think you'd like it. I so appreciated and loved the empathetic tone of the writing...
less than 3 thousandmillion :)
You Are Your Child's First Teacher, Beyond The Rainbow Bridge and Heaven On Earth are definitely favorites around here. i keep them close at hand when i'm needing support and guidance. :)
lovely post and i have been doing the same. most of these titles are new to me though! i have to be careful what i read. some inspire and give confidence, some books make me feel worse or overwhelmed!
oooh, you've got some of my favorites there, and some that are new to me. Thank you!
Nadja - Oh my goodness, I have had a few other people tell me it was a bad day for them, too! What was going on that day?!
Boatbaby - Thank you for that wonderful idea!! I am going to have to do that!
Our Waldorf Home Mama - I haven't read that one yet, thank you! I will check it out soon.
Dawn - Thanks! K actually acts out in play a lot of what she sees in that book. It is so sweet to observe!
Kendra - I have been meaning to check out those books, thank you so much for mentioning them. I need to start a list so I don't forget.
Marina - I didn't know you read Simplicity Parenting. We'll have to talk about it soon ;) and no I haven't looked at that one yet adding to my list!! Thank you!!!
Thank you everyone and please let me know what you think of any of these books you check out! I'd love to know!!
I know this post is very old, but I wanted to say that I do love many of these books, too. Funny what you said about Raising Waldorf--I have that book, too, and used it to choose the paint color for my kitchen.
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