Finally done!
I am happy to say that I have completed almost everything I wished to for this upcoming move. There are a couple of other things I wanted to finish up, like:
-C's matching sweater which is 80% done
-K's birthday present toadstool hat 90% done
-K Baby's birthday crown 95% done
but I can just finish them up along the way.
K baby's birthday crown
I finished up Night Night Baby a couple of nights ago and I planned on giving her to K the morning we left but I just could not hold out. I gave her Night Night Baby the other night as Kevin and I were tucking her in bed and I am so happy that I did. If you only could have seen the expression on her face. She was so amazed that I 'found' her Night Night Baby. She hasn't let her out of her sight since that night. Reactions like that make all of the nights, hours, and love I put into making things so worth it.
K's new Night Night Baby
It honestly amazes me to know that something I created makes her so happy. I always thought (before having kids of my own) that things had to be store bought and name brand to make children happy. I am not sure exactly why I had this way of thinking but I am so glad to know it couldn't be farther from the truth. I just hope her love of all things hand made will stay with her.
K's secret surprise: Princess and the Pea set
I finally finished up K's secret surprise. I am happy with most of it except the bag. I ran out of time and patience so this is a temporary bag for K to use on the road trip and then once we are settled in Portland I will make her a new one. I just couldn't see making her wait even longer for this just because of my dislike of the bag.
Back of the bag with a pocket for the pea and a pocket for her pillow and crown
"The Queen knew that only a real princess could feel a pea..."
I had only one slight problem with K's surprise...
'Chubby Kong' walked in on my photography session and immediately fell in love with the princess. She grabbed her off the table and brought her on to the floor to play with. She then took her downstairs to get a brush and brush her long hair. It was the sweetest thing to witness. Since K was outside helping Daddy rake, I let C get some secret playtime in. That baby of mine is so sweet. I told her the princess was sleepy and needed to rest so she ever so gently tucked her back into her pocket and put her away without K ever even knowing. I am happy to know that if, for some reason, K decides she doesn't like her surprise, then C would be more than happy to have it as her own.
This may be my last WIP post for awhile. I am not sure how internet will work on our road trip next week, but I will keep you all updated.
Happy creating!!
I love everything you have created! No wonder your child was so happy, it is way more beautiful that anything you could find in a toystore. And since it is infused with so much mama love, I am sure it makes the best present ever.
I have to ask you though, where did you find the instructions to make your dolls. They are all absolutely beautiful!
Congratulation and have a wonderful trip.
What a beautiful set for your daughter! Gorgeous! Lucky girl! Good luck with your roadtrip!!! Make lots of great memories along the way!
I have said it before and I'll say it again -- will you be MY mama? Seriously, what lovely treasures full of heart. Lucky kids!
nicole, i love the princess and the pea surprise set! it is so beautiful. and i love the bag! i can see that there must be one of these in maya's future. :) happy travels, my friend!
Sweet, sweet sweet! I LOVE the Princess and the Pea set! That knitted doll dress is way too adorable! and I happen to adore that bag :)
"Chubby Kong" *giggle*
Have a safe trip, hope we're able to hear of your adventure every once in awhile!
oh my dear....i love it!!! you have really taken off with all your crafting and knitting! where do you find the time? :)
did you guys get the house? did you find a rental for the time being? i'm so excited about your move!!
I love the princess set, it's absolutely beautiful. Lucky girls you have :)
Good luck with the road trip.
I just discovered your blog. I love your dolls and knitting and sewing and photos..... very beautiful!
Why, I think the bag is perfect! Will you share how you made the doll and knitted dress? (pattern?)Its simply perfect as well. You're very talented, we'll miss you in VA!!
This is the cutest thing I've seen all month. I love the Princess and the pea set!!! Your daughter is so blessed.
Adorable! I would have LOVED to get such a special gift when I was a girl. The west is wonderful and I think you all will be very happy in your new home. (not that I'm a biased westerner or anything!) :) I hope you have an uneventful (in the best sort of way) trip. If you have time, can you please tell me from what company you special ordered the swan ornament? I tried Wooden Wagon and they don't special order on that sort of thing. Sorry to bug you about that when you're so busy. Joyce
Great job on all of the projects! A little time away from the princess set will give you new eyes when you decide what you would like to make for a bag. I find if I try too hard on something, stepping away for a few days makes all the difference ;o), the princess and the pea, chubby kong, the little crown...all of it. i love it all!
peace and love to you during your travels.
So many beautiful projects! Did you make the little princess doll too? She is so sweet. And I really love the night night doll too. You did such a nice job. I have made mostly only full size Waldorf dolls, but you have my head full of ideas now!
All the best to you and your family on your journey!
p.s. when are you opening an etsy shop so you can share the love?
such loveliness...all of it!!!
congratulations and safe travels to you all...
You are inspiring me to get off this computer and downstairs to sew. Gosh, I love everything! Have a great trip!
Your creations are incredible. That Princess and the Pea set is just beautiful- her dress! her crown! (and by the way I love the bag!)Good luck on your road trip. And thanks for the comments on my blog and the inspiration. I was going to give you heads up on the giveaway, but you found it first!
All so beautiful!
Best of luck with the move!
Everything is so beautiful.The princess in her knitted dress is so original and sweet,I love all of the colors that you used for her bedding. What's wrong with the bag? I think it's stunning!
Good luck on your trip! The gifts that you made for your children are beautiful. I think that homemade gifts are so special because you are giving more than just things, but apart of yourself. I think kids can feel the love and time you pour into making the gifts especially for them. I hope to be able to do the same for my children someday. Thanks for the inspiration!
Beautiful and oh so sweet! I know she'll love it, because it came from you! I'd love to try my hand at some doll making, so like Neptune I'd like to know your pattern secret.
Unfortunately, it was unbearable hot today (101 in Eugene, OR), but I believe cooler weather is on the way to greet you. Safe travels for you and your family and I will be watching for your return to blog land after you're settled a bit.
Simply THE sweetest Princess and the Pea (and accessories). What a heartfelt way to bring that story to life. ... I also love the lambs wool you have in your rocking chair. Would you mind sharing where you purchased that? I have searched the world over for one of those. No luck, thus far. Thanks in advance. May your trip out West prove wonderful!
I love this idea Nicole, It looks fabulous. I will have to try this for my little girl, thanks for the inspiration!
Goodness, mama. Don't be so hard on yourself! Remember that they are kids-- who happily play with cardboard boxes, dirt & sticks! The things you make for them will be loved, whether they meet your ideas of perfection or not. Breathe.
I love everything you made/ Especially the Princess and the pea set...too cute!
I'm excited for you that you're beginning your move. Happy voyage to you and your family!
Such lovely projects. I found with my own children, and now with my grandchildren, that they will go on and on loving homemade, when they are gifts that feed the soul and imagination. Holding good thoughts for a safe and joy filled journey.
Oh My! Me and Kelly loved the Princess and the Pea set. She asked me to make one but i could never knit a dress like that :)
Your talent is so inspiring and it's so amazing that you can make all this while in the moving process!
Have a safe trip on the Oregon trail!
that is SOOOOO cute! Seriously, I love it, Nicole! The princess, the beds, all adorable! K's going to have a wonderful trip with her new lovlies and maybe C will be more playtime in as well. :)
all of your creations are adorable, but i am so in love with the princess and the pea set! that little knit dress and crown on that sweet baby just melts my heart!! happy travels!
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