I used to post more photographs of the chaos that is life in our home but I am now realizing that I haven't been doing so on a regular basis anymore. Really, not much at all since we moved here. I guess I am trying to lift my own spirits and remind my family and I of the beauty here while we lament over Oregon. Perhaps I also assumed that you all knew or remembered the behind the scenes of our home. I wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong impression and think our home is spotless or that we all get along 24/7 because
boy are we a mess. And for our home - don't get me started on the dog fur literally coating every inch of this house since I wasn't able to vacuum for a couple of months being down and out. I think sharing a photograph of that might be taking it a bit too far, though.
But in light of this realization, I thought I would share a photograph of the girls' bedroom at the moment (soon to be the children's bedroom). Actually, its been like this for weeks now while the girls sleep in our king sized bed with Kevin and Little L, my big belly and I squeeze into his twin bed (which is also in our bedroom).
We planned on finishing it up and doing some major decluttering last weekend but then we hit a huge snag when one of the major pieces for the girls' new bed was missing. Now the mess sits a bit longer while we wait for our replacement part. Some days it feels like we take one step forward and two steps back around here.
Our life is all this normal messy day to day living, but is that not part of the beauty of living?

We are a mess