The children and I recently joined a local homeschooling group so we could find out about field trips in the area. Last week they sent out a last minute message saying there would be a field trip to Freer Organics to learn about vermicomposting the next morning. My girls and I had been wanting to try composting with worms but just hadn't made the time, so I jumped at the chance.
Some days I feel like we are the only people who know what organic even means around here so finding out the Freer Organics was not very far from our home brought great happiness to my heart. As soon as we arrived I could literally see any cares my children had fly away with the fresh air. They were nothing but smiles. Autumn, the owner, graciously welcomed us and let the children get right to work at digging out worms from the worm bin. She explained the vermicomposting process and showed us all the tools they used (Little L liked that part a lot). I loved every minute of it all, asking a million questions. I know my children loved it, too. Little L pretended to be an excavator as he dug up worms for other children who were nervous about getting germs. On a side note - He was highly impressed by Autumn when he started up a conversation about sharks with her. She knew how important they are to our oceans and was happy that Little L wants to save them. He wouldn't stop talking about that all day! C was in her glory making a home for the worms they let us take home (yippee!) so we could try our hand at worm composting. She loves her little worm friends. K spent most of her time working with friends from our neighborhood and then loving on Ben the horse. It was such a great experience. My children didn't want to ever leave. I don't blame them, homesteading is our dream and the life I truly feel we are meant to live. Our new (pet) worms help us to feel a bit closer to that dream.
And later that same day...

C lost another tooth!