After we found out the good news, I had a few days before the morning sickness kicked in. I took advantage of that time (knowing it wouldn't last long) and started drafting a list of all the baby knitting I wanted to do. I do so love baby knitting! Of course my list is impossibly long but I hope I can get to a few of the things on it.
One thing that I knew I had to knit was the Klickitat nursing shawl. I already had the perfect yarn for it, some I had stashed away years ago just in case we had another sweet blessing. I don't know the name of the colorway but it reminds me so much of the peachy-pink lazured walls of Waldorf early childhood classrooms. Steiner chose that color specifically for small children because it resembles the womb, which is very soothing and comforting to little ones. I am taking my cue from him for this shawl. I mean, what better color to wrap my new baby in as s/he nurses in church (or any other place I feel the need to be a bit more discrete)?
What are you working on?! Happy creating!

Natalie · 508 weeks ago
Lovely colour for a shawl.
creativityandfamily 33p · 508 weeks ago
vtgrandview 20p · 508 weeks ago
Lauren · 508 weeks ago
chrisknits 37p · 508 weeks ago
Melanie · 508 weeks ago
Rudolf Steiner encouraged artists to paint walls with transparent radiant color. He used the word “lasur” to describe this new way of coloring walls—where color would feel as though it were in the space and not just on the wall. This provided a pure experience of color—as though one could “spiritually pass through the walls.’
The womb colour throws a violet red/blue which is why you use blue/pink veils over the baby's crib the first 6 weeks (or in our case we made curtains in our room that colour as well as veils) This colour is linked to the spiritual realms and helps ease them into earth but keeps the awareness connected to the spiritual world and the journey they take... From Joan Salter, relevant also to the colour used in classrooms..... The best colours for the baby are rosy pink, mauve, pale blue, a sunny yellow or creamy white. Brown and green should be avoided, for they are too ‘earthy’ for the young child. We will see later on that, well into the the pre-school years, the child’s inner experiencing is more oriented to heaven than to earth … It is not incidental that Raphael gave his Madonna’s a rose pink gown and blue cloak, and the Child a golden halo.‘
FrontierDreams 111p · 507 weeks ago
Joyful · 508 weeks ago
FrontierDreams 111p · 507 weeks ago
Erin Russell · 507 weeks ago