Martinmas is one of my favorite celebrations. Every November when our lanterns come back out and we re-read the story of Saint Martin and the beggar, I am brought to tears. I aspire to be as selfless and compassionate as he was.
We have a family tradition of donating coats and warm clothes to homeless shelters on Martinmas. In the past I tried to implement a tradition of knitting my children a new warm sweater for this special day, too, but alas it just became too much for me (with Santa Lucia day, Saint Nicholas day and Christmas shortly afterwards).
But then something beautiful re-inspired me to try again. Katherine designed a Martinmas sweater that will be the envy of all others. She did an amazing job of capturing the warmth and light of Saint Martin in her pattern design. I was so very fortunate to get a chance to test knit it for her. This will be for K so I chose a happy blue/green yarn. The pictures above don't quite capture the color but it is gorgeous in person. My rav notes can be found here.
And in other knitting news, I finished the sleeves for Little L's Livingston and have joined them to the body. I don't know why I am sharing that exactly, except that I have a little story to go along with it. After Mass last weekend, I was chatting with friends in our parish center while knitting one of the Livingston sleeves. Our priest came over and looking at my knitting he asked, "What will it be when it grows up?" I must have had a confused look on my face because he then went on to say, "Will it be a sock?" I explained to him that it was a sleeve for my son's Christmas sweater. From there we went into a delightful discussion on knitting and turning the heels on socks. Totally unexpected. I would have never guessed that our priest was a knitter! It rather makes me admire him even more.
What are you working on? Happy creating!!
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