Not a whole lot going on from my end here. I finished up Little L's first gift over the weekend. For those of you asking - it is a bucket for his tree blocks. I used this pattern. Pictures will have to wait until later when I can sneak away without any of my children seeing. I am more than half way through with his second gift and really enjoying working with this yarn.
K, on the other hand, has been a busy little elf. She made a gift for Kevin at the Advent fair on Sunday. I forgot the name of it now but it's a traditional decoration in the Philippines. It took her over an hour to make and was quite involved for someone her age. The man who helped her with it was so patient and encouraging. She was beaming with pride once she was done. It's hard to see it's complexity when you view it in the front but the first picture of her saving it from Beowulf gives you a better idea.
My poor K became really under the weather today so we sat in bed with some tummy tea and browsed through a stack of some of our 'go to' books for gift giving inspiration. She found a couple of things to make for C in The Rhythm of Family and an old (Winter 2005) issue of Martha Stewart Kids magazine, as well as some things for Little L in Side by Side and Hand in Hand (my book!!). Now we just need to get her back to good health so that she can get started.
What are you and your little ones working on?
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It's as simple as that. Remember your post can be from any day of the week, it doesn't have to be today. We all love feedback so if you have a moment please leave a comment on some of the KCCO posts you may visit. I know from my own experience just how much your comments really motivate me! Now please share and inspire us all!