Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Keep Calm Craft On {crafting on}

The act of creating, in one form or another, preserves my sanity amongst the chaos of life. This explains why I always have more than one project going at a time as well as why my housework tends to fall behind. I enjoy seeing what others are working on and keeping calm with, too. What are you creating? What is keeping you going? Snap a picture and share it with the rest of us by leaving your link below.


KCCO - winterwoods stitch along


Thank you for your warm wishes on my wrists. Giving them a week off helped tremendously. The wrist pain started with my first pregnancy and has been off and on ever since then. I have been fortunate that it is 'off'' most of the time.

I picked up a top secret knitting project for a friend who just recently welcomed a new little life into the world. Well, it's a couple of projects actually for both of her children. But, just in case she sees this I can say no more...at least not for the time being.

Back in September I joined the Winterwoods ABCs Cross-stitch Sampler Stitch Along fully intending to keep on course and stitch at least two letters a week. Well now we are on week 5, I believe, and I have only just begun. I am a very bad stitch along participant. Feel free to shake your finger at me!

I had never cross stitched before in my life, but this project is just so beautiful and meaningful to me (Alicia lives in Portland, like me, and her sampler was inspired by the beauty here), I knew I had to do it. BUT because of what it meant to me and the fact that I had never tried this craft before, I was paralyzed by the fear of messing it up. So it sat there and I would  glance at it longingly at least once a day and then move on.

Fate stepped in last week and forced me to start on it. I had a horrible flu and was so weak I couldn't do much but lay by the fire curled up in a blanket with my little ones. Laying by that wood stove inspired me to get over my fears and just do it. After I finished my letter n I was hooked. Unfortunately, staring at those threads also made me queasy so I had to put it back down. I am hoping to get on track starting this week and maybe even try to catch up with everyone else. I also need to finish up that pocket doll for the school store, though...

What are you working on?

If you would like to link up and share your current works in progress (or finished works) please leave your link below. It can now be either to your specific blog post or Flickr photo. There are no rules, only that your link is current and something about a craft project (of any kind) you are working on. Don't forget that there is now a KCCO Flickr group for you to share your crafting photos at anytime.

Please remember to link back here so that others who may want to join KCCO can find us.

It's as simple as that. Remember your post can be from any day of the week, it doesn't have to be today. We all love feedback so if you have a moment please leave a comment on some of the KCCO posts you may visit. I know from my own experience just how much your comments really motivate me! Now please share and inspire us all!


Comments (17)

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Your cross stitch is coming along nicely, you are doing better than me progress wise, I haven't even started! luckily I never joined the stitch along. Alicia has such pretty patterns that I can't help buying when they become available, my problem is finishing them, I get distracted so easily with other crafty projects and then it just gets left in the WIP pile. I still need to finish the daisy chain sampler, I'm halfway done and then there are the ornamental kits which I need to finish soon as I want to use them as Christmas decorations. I can't see myself starting the the cross stitch any time soon, it might have to be a project for next year, and like you I am feeling a bit nervous about my first ever cross stitch project. I am eager to see your finished piece, I am sure it would be beautiful like all the things you make :)
1 reply · active 646 weeks ago
Are we related?! I also suffer from craft distraction. Maybe we need a support group?
You should start yours! It's so much easier than I thought it would be...but then again I haven't picked mine back up yet.
i have wanted to try my hand at that cross stitch sampler too. it is so beautiful. but i have never done cross stitch and was afraid to. now, i might request it as a christmas gift and jump right in. thanks for the encouragement. :)
1 reply · active 646 weeks ago
Yes-you'll love it! So much easier thanI let myself think it was.
Good for you for trying something new. I, too, get paralyzed by fear of not getting something right, which leads to horrible procrastination. Hope you're feeling better!
1 reply · active 646 weeks ago
Thank you Julie.I am feeling much better. Now poor Little L has a fever though.
I haven't tried cross stitch. Yours is very cute. But I did post today about emroidery, I think I have found a new love!
1 reply · active 646 weeks ago
What sweet embroidery, too.It's addicting, isn't it?
I just posted the chestnut animals we made for our naturetable. But when I saw You are embroidering I thought maybe I should also post my latest artwork (which is completly hand embroidered) here.
1 reply · active 646 weeks ago
Thank you for the posts! I think our nature table needs some chestnut animals now!
I just prepared some embroidery projects for my oldest girl the other day. We can't wait. I LOVE that cross stitch! So cute. :o)
1 reply · active 646 weeks ago
Really beautiful work! Thank you, Lori
1 reply · active 646 weeks ago
I can't wait to see your super secret knits. :) The sampler is so beautiful! I kind of wish I had joined that little stitch along. I used to cross stitch a ton in high school and college, but kind of burned out on it. I'm so sorry to hear you've been sick, but glad that you used it to conquer your fear. I've been working on a bunch of baby knits for my stepsons' soon-to-come baby sister. xoxo
1 reply · active 646 weeks ago
Joy -so good to hear from you!! With your skills I bet you could join now and beat us all!
I envy your babyknitting -I love it so.

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