Just saying... and if you caught that reference then you figured out my favorite movie since I was a kid.
Autumn is here and with her arrival comes the abundance of brightly colored leaves that we always feel the need to bring indoors and preserve. Our house is constantly filled with the smell of beeswax. We have been saving our leaves in beeswax for a few years now. Our thrifted beeswax pot has never let us down, that is until now. I found these huge leaves on my run the other day and they are just too big for our little pot. hmmmm....
Beeswaxing leaves really does seem to keep their color longer. We dip the entire leaf into melted beeswax once, let it dry and then stick the end of the stem in the beeswax, as well. This is supposed to help contain the color. Not sure how exactly, but that is what I was told. Autumn leaf garlands are slowly going up all over our home, and some of the leaves are making it to our nature tables, too joining our autumn fairy swinging on her mobile. The smell of beeswax reminds me so much of Autumn and winter time. So many of our activities during those seasons involve beeswax.
The girls' Autumn dish drying towels from Nana
In other news, Baby L is hitting a couple of milestones suddenly,
such as pulling himself up (he just started this Wednesday as the girls were eating a snack at their table. He was pulling himself up by K's tights!)
and getting a couple of teeth (with constant drool telling us there is more on their way)
Trying to snap a shot of his teeth proved to be quite the task. By the time I was done, C was sitting in the chair next to me
With so much rocking Baby L's world there has been a lot of this (forgive my baggy, old sweatshirt)
and just because it makes me smile
p.s. Revisiting food, for a moment - thank you for your responses and opening up this discussion even more! You gave me a lot to think about and I am so grateful for it all. To answer the question about some recipes we love please stay tuned for a giveaway of my new favorite cook book (hint, hint) next week!