{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
I had to do a series of photos instead of just one, these remind me of this photo from the Oregon Trail...

Have a great weekend everyone!!

It is a beautiful moment...too. What sweet little children. love, Beth
such sweet photos. and I *so* need to back up my pictures.....
it is so great that you had them backed up. I really need to do that. Hmmn, wonder if that is a little sign/reminder.
Such a cute series of photos!
Thanks for sharing!
they are so sweet and adorable!
i forgot to get your snail mail addy. can you send that to me, please? ;)
Those pictures are hilarious! So cute and it really shows the personality of the girls.
Must be a very special moment with two wonderful children :) Have a great weekend!!
Hahaha, those faces are priceless! What a great moment!
That cracks me up!
Oh, to be the little sister!
hey nicole! I am sorry about your computer. That is my nightmare.
Those girls of yours are too stinking cute.
PS, With your computer crashing and all, I'm not sure whether you got the email about the ROTH blog or not.
Let me know and I will email it again to you just in case.
Hugs, Julia
Awesome photos!
SO relieved that your photos are backed up!
...and oh my, LOVE C's expression in this series of photos!!!! K is gorgeous as usual
May I PUH-LEASE have a copy of that photo of your girls from your trip????!!! just love it, love it, love it!!!
(backing off the coffee, waaayyy too many exclamation marks this morning :)!)
xoxoxoxox, M
These photos gave me a big smile--I love how your littlest changes her expression in every frame as she watches her big sister!
Photos / computers--the day will come when we will think this whole setup was so primitive! I can hardly delete a photo from the card on my camera, I'm that paranoid.
sweet faces :-)
my moment : http://jardiniere-d-eveil.over-blog.com/article-this-sunny-moment-47427385.html
Absolutely precious!!!
Totally unrelated but way back when you had gorgeous bonnets for your girls. Do you know if there is somewhere I could buy one premade?? I am in need of a summer hat for my little girl.
Beautiful children!
Now that all of my pictures are digital...losing them with a computer crash is what worries me the most. I had to chuckle a little bit as I was backing up my files while reading your post. I admire the pictures you've gotten of your girls. My middle one is very much anti-picture taking right now!
great photos! classic!
here is mine:
great photos! classic!
here is mine:
Just gorgeous!
Were you not able to retrieve the lost photos from your computer?
Oh no! I would be so upset if I lost my pictures (I try not to think about how it's bound to happen, what with the number of times people knock my external hard drive off the table). I'm glad that you had most of them backed up! I would be totally devastated to loose the first year of pictures for any of my babies. Did you at least have some that were printed out or on flickr or something?
These pictures are totally adorable by the way. My babe and your babe? They would *totally* get along...and oh the mischief there would be if they teamed up!
look at those beautiful girls!
Oh, I agree --- a series of photos was the only way to go!! Posting only a single one wouldn't have told the (oh so cute and very amusing) story! Love those expressions.
Great photo's!
Back when my daughter was a baby, I had a great computer crash and lost all her hospital photos. All I have are 3 teeny tiny photos that I cropped to fit into some sort of thing for something. I can't print them out, nothing. I cried for months.
Lovely little girls you have. And they look so alike.
cutest pictures, ever!
Oh dear. Yes, I had one of those moments a few years ago when we lost photos from our eldest's first year. It was -- ahem -- *painful* ... But, you are right, onward and upward. May we all be in the moment as much as possible.
I love these shots! A big huge smile came across my face when I saw them.
Thanks for sharing such happiness,
Oh my gosh... that is just tooooo cute! They are the most precious gifts ever!
Blessings and magic,
I love how K's face largely stays the same and C's is so different. They are too sweet, Nicole! I hope you didn't lose many pics. I've had that happen before too. :(
So sorry to hear you lost your photos! How awful. I am in the process of backing up all our home videos and it is taking forever.
I love the photos! They are so cute together.
Thank you, thank you everyone. K asked me to take her picture and that is what happened :)
My computer is offically dead, but I was able to get the last of my photos off of it before it died.
I did, indeed, lose all the photos of K's first year of life a few years ago. I didn't have them backed up at all, lesson painfully learned.
Cute! I love the expressions on their faces.
How scary to lose pictures. Thanks for the reminder to back up.
I love your little guy's mischievous look in this series.
Sorry to hear about your photos! The same thing happened to our family recently, but we got lucky because I had saved most of the best photos on photo web host (snapfish, flickr, facebook, costco, kodak) etc work well. We also invested in an external hard drive after that disaster!
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