Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Back to Square One

starting over school time handwork he climbed OVER the basket He decided to crawl over the basket... stuck and then got stuck calling in autumn window transparency pulling up and climbing on everything Two week into our homeschooling year and I am already hitting a wall with one of my children. Actually the two of us have been struggling with schooling since we moved here but now we are truly at an impasse. This sweet child of mine tells me that learning only happens in Oregon. I hear what is being said, and I understand but we still need to learn while we are away from our beloved friends. Listening to the wise counsel of others, I am taking a step back and going back to square one. Kevin, our little one and I are going to sit down this weekend and try to come up with something that will work for all of us involved. Thankfully this child loves math so I at least know that can keep on going without interruption. The other kiddos enjoy and thrive from the way we homeschool so things will more than likely stay the same for them.

I pulled these books back off the shelf to help me figure out where to go from here:
 A Little Way of Homeschooling
 Teaching from Rest 
Waldorf Parenting Handbook
 Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit

 In the meantime I gave my sweet child a few books on Saint Teresa to read and discuss with me. 


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My heart goes out to you. We really struggled over here when we transitioned from private school to homeschooling last year. Our daughter really missed her school friends and felt like she was missing out on something. I wish you luck this weekend in finding something that might work for the family. The great thing about homeschool is that being a week or two behind isn't earth shattering. It will come. :)
1 reply · active 443 weeks ago
Kristy Tompkins's avatar

Kristy Tompkins · 444 weeks ago

Julie Bogart of Bravewriter has been such an inspiration to me,... She has made me relax so much about homeschooling... Good luck with your year.. I love reading your blog btw.
1 reply · active 443 weeks ago
Each child is unique and beautiful and challenging in their own special way. I'm sure you all will be able to come to an arrangement that will work for everyone.
1 reply · active 443 weeks ago
I am not familiar with the books but I did enjoy the embroidered cloth under them. Hand embroidery and a crocheted edge, possibly on linen. So special.
1 reply · active 443 weeks ago
I love the window art! And baby F is getting so big! My little one was born 1/29 and is not anywhere near pulling up like that!

So what do you think would be the options for school? Maybe she would do better in an actual school even if it's not Waldorf. My children are younger, but already I'm seeing with my three year old that not everything works for him the way I think. I don't know how the schools are in your area, but maybe you have some options. In the end it's what works best for each child.

Hope you find a solution! I love Waldorf but the school is too far and we also could not afford it. So we'll have to find another solution too.

Do you have a timeframe for returning to Oregon?
1 reply · active 443 weeks ago
Oh, I've read the Maxwell's book and just ordered Teaching from Rest to have as my own (read lib copy). I imagine its hard to make a switch from a Waldorf school to a home environment. Please just give yourself grace - all those wonderful teachers (and even many homeschool mamas) don't have babies keeping them busy!! I love so many aspects of the Waldorf life/schooling and am constantly challenged with how to incorporate what I like into a life with many littles. I'd love to see a book on how to apply waldorf homeschooling methods for big families! One of the things that has saved us is using the "living books" method for history and science. When I'm too busy with littles I just make sure my other children have lots of good, intellectual books to read and they teach themselves - or I read to them when I'm nursing a baby or holding a wiggly child. Oh, I do hope you find the inspiration you need. I hate to see mamas struggle in just trying to do right by their families! God bless you.
1 reply · active 443 weeks ago
Sending lots of light and love your way as you navigate this bump in the road. I have no doubt that you will find the right path for all involved.

My girls and I loved seeing that you have a "lesson kitty" too. Ours loves to join in for lessons and did so this week!

I love the window art! Do you have a book you recommend for learning to do that?

Blessings. xo
1 reply · active 443 weeks ago
That window transparency has come up beautifully. I feel all inspired to try one this autumn! and the stars are wonderful. All this beauty around you. I can imagine the challenge of a child not wanting to be taught by her mother. My eldest wouldn't even let me teach her to knit or anything really, so home educating her wouldn't work, but giving your daughter interesting books is education in itself and if she can read these proper books, she is doing really well. My nine year old still can't read or write properly and she is in a Waldorf school. I wonder if this is your eldest? I wonder if there is a challenge with teaching the eldest because they need to separate more than the others?They crave independence from their mothers, yet need the closeness too. I hope you find your way with this one. I am sure you will. Maybe just let her read everything that she would be learning at school if she loves reading and she can teach herself? That can work for homeschooling and do the other things like Maths and handwork together? Just a thought. It must be challenging to have children at different ages and teaching them at the same time. All you can do is your best and with two little ones to add to the mix, it must be so tricky. But have faith and trust that all will be well. Learning doesn't always mean having to be being taught. All the best Anna
1 reply · active 443 weeks ago
You're doing so well! We, too, have family meetings whenever we have a problem, and I'm always amazed and impressed at how much ownership the children take when we come together as a team to problem-solve. Their solutions are rarely exactly the ones that I would choose for them, but we do always manage to come to a consensus, and because the children were active participants in the process, the solutions generally work better than ones that I would have tried to simply instill.

One thing we do that I think also encourages the kids to take risks in their solutions is that we also always schedule another family meeting in one week to revisit the issue. If there's a solution that's being proposed that not everyone agrees with, it's easy to agree that we'll try it for a week. If it's horrible, well, it was only a week, and if it's great--then yay!
1 reply · active 443 weeks ago
jMaybe your daughter would enjoy the public schools, even if it isn't a Waldorf education. Some independence and friendshipj outside the family are important at her age. You could always supplement with Waldorf materials and extra math after school, or return to home schooling if it doesn't work out. Friends and and a community are important for kids.

Much love
1 reply · active 443 weeks ago
Melissa Nichols's avatar

Melissa Nichols · 443 weeks ago

I love how hedgie turned out. Hugs to you!
1 reply · active 443 weeks ago
I remember going through something similar with my oldest, and she is now my easiest to homeschool...if that gives you any comfort at all! I did have to change the way we were doing things, and even the style of education we were using,which was hard for me at first since I had my heart set on a certain way, but it was worth it in the end and we are both happier. Good luck!
1 reply · active 443 weeks ago
The hedgehog window is really lovely! A beautiful work of heart. We have gone through rough patches in our homeschool, and we have always weathered the storms, you will too. Sometimes it's not so much the learning, but our heart that misses a place so much. Talk about the memories, talk about making new ones where you always wins.
I've fallen behind in my reading of my blogs, but I hope you have either found a way to resolve this already or that you and yours are continuing to work something out, I know that I (while attending a public school) was able to expand my horizons with books, essay contests, science fair projects, and interacting with my father about history and politics (Dad's a Constitutional Historian). My husband also was a member of the chess club and the math team, Possibly you could find an additional club or outside activity for your troubled one. Something that would be just their's. Maybe it would be reasonable to let them do a guest post occasionally. (I'm not sure if this is safe, but a way to write and interact with others might help.) Good luck. I hope as I continue to read that I find that all is progressing.

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