Monday, February 6, 2012

Less is more

Less words, more pictures this time around. My head is pounding, Baby L decided he no longer needs sleep and my cats are all on my naughty list...

Parent meeting followed by a Simplicity Parenting workshop. (love!) Kim John Payne is coming back to our school again next year. I missed the big lecture last time he was here due to a certain little baby boy being born...

Baby L is up to his funny antics, again. You would think he was raised by dogs looking at these pictures. (Or maybe he thinks his needlefelted cookies are real?) I suppose he chose 'puppy' as his first baby sign for a reason.

K being 'popcorn'

K and C making lunch

My girlies received these craft kitsfor Christmas. While they were not something I would have picked, (Oh the little pieces everywhere) they are truly enjoying them and I am getting dishes done. (I am not so into 'kits' or crafts that come with instructions. I generally like to let their imagination guide them with objects found in nature and around the home)It's nice to just give in sometimes.

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