I did manage to finally knit up a pair of slippers to fit little miss C. She noticed the hedgehogs first thing and put them on right away so I guess they were a hit.
C is really enjoying her baby's matching dress and sweater. I ended up with just enough yarn left over to finish C baby's matching sweater. There isn't a scrap left, I used up every last bit. Her sleeves are a bit short but I think we can live with it. I still can't believe the pattern came out just in time!
Then of course there is C's birthday dress and sweater. The dress pattern is Butterick, but as you can see by looking at the actual pattern I added a lot of length to it. I apologize in advance for the amount of pictures of the set. It's the first time I have sewn clothing since college so I am happy it came out at all, plus adding a knitted sweater to it is just icing on the cake for me.
I have to point out that it was a beautiful day outside but instead of the bonnet she chose to wear a thick wool hat. My silly one!
Now for an actual work in progress...
Thanks to Angela for telling me about this pattern. It was discontinued but I found it on E-Bay (Yipee!) and would you believe it arrived on Monday, the day after C's birthday? So I didn't get her bloomers done in time for her birthday but I am finishing them up now. I love every pattern in this set. I can tell already I will be using them all quite often! I can't wait to try some more of the great patterns all of you suggested. Must make more time to sew!!
I hope you are all having a wonderful week!
Happy creating!

I love coming here and seeing all the pink and matchy-matchy... so different from my world raising a boy. :)
Those slippers are precious!
Everything turned out wonderfully! I love the February sweater pattern, but I have heard that EZ's directions can be confusing to a novice, and I am an "advanced beginner" in knitting...
Everything looks supper-sweet!
Love the little hedgies. C sure has wonderful taste. I love the dress...and the sweaters!!!
I look forward to the bloomers too. So darling!
Love that sweater and dress more than I can say. You completely outdid yourself! The slippers are very sweet too. I'm glad the hedgehogs worked. :) When I think Finn won't wear something, I always include a wooden car button somewhere. Works like a charm. ;)
Wasn't sure if you read this blog or not, but Brown Paper Packages is having pattern giveaways of some adorable dresses as well as showing different ways of altering patterns for girls. Very cute. Here: http://sugarnspicecreations.blogspot.com/2010/04/sweet-dress-and-giveaway-info.html
(and I recently added a page to my blog about giveaways that I've found)
Your dress & sweater are adorable-- you've come along ways since garter stitch pigs! :) Well done!
I need to get my butt into WIP Wednesday. All these posts inspire me, but I haven't been doing anything for about two weeks.
Is C's baby button joined? It looks like it is (from the way the arms are sitting). M's doll is button joined and I hate dressing the thing. The arms never fit right. I think it is because I never stuffed the doll enough. I think later on down the road I will buy some more fabric and stuffing and remake her.
The set came out lovely, did you make a matching bonnet to? I love bonnets. I am trying to find a bonnet pattern that doesn't scare me off.
I saw that bloomer pattern at my fabric store! I almost picked it up because they are not carrying butterick anymore and were discounted to 2.00 a piece! It looks like a great pattern to just have on hand!
Great job on the projects.
i've committed myself to start sewing more. I'm almost done with my first adult dress...the kids are next. That's a great pattern.
It's all just a vision of pure love and beauty. What an inspiration you are!
Loving the matching dresses and sweaters. That must have been a lot of work - they turned out beautiful!
Cute bloomer pattern too.
Oh my my... Love Love Love! How sweet to see them in their matching outfits! What lovely gifts... :)
(Can't wait to do such things for Baby O!
So sweet, your knitting talents are just incredible! Love the dress, I always make dresses extra long, my girls can wear their dresses at least a few years. Glad you found some bloomers, so happy to be following along on your sewing adventures!
What beautiful gifts you have made Nicole! Wow really lovely! The hedgehogs are wonderful! I just adore the matching outfits.
How you inspire me! After reading your last few posts I am determined to start sewing for my precious little ones too! Time to dig my sewing machine out of storage...
Love the booties, they are so cute! Thanks for the dress link, you are such a lovely momma!
Ooooh those slippers and matching cardigans are just gorgeous! I love the colour :) x
My...well when I was in home economics in high school, my teacher told us, all girls, "you all just bring in something to work on and if you are quiet, I will give you an "A"...just leave me alone, I have other work to do."
This went on each year I signed up and this was my only avenue to learn to sew, cook, etc. and as you can tell, this class was a dead end. I have always wanted to know how to sew, knit, crochet.
Since life happens and continues to progress with college, career, marriage, children...what I did not learn when I was younger has still never materialized...except I watched over someone's shoulder and learned basic crochet just about two years ago and took a beginners knitting lesson about eight years ago. However with homeschooling, and several children it is difficult to find the time to practice.
Whoever was kind enough to teach you how to knit gave you a treasure! I so wish I had someone in my life that really cared to teach me so I could move beyond the beginner stage...a friend to sit with me in my home over tea and really teach while the children play and casually watch in order to one day be a knitter, sewer, etc. one day too like mama.
Your items are really well done...Bravo to you and your friend who taught you. And thank you for so openly sharing your creations.
Perhaps one day my dream will come true?!
o that dress! it's perfect!
I know you`re on a sewing kick but I just wanted to link you to these bloomers,
Loved how everything turned out! I`m planning on a February baby sweater for my baby`s 2nd birthday too!
Thank you everyone!
Michelle - Thank you for that giveaway info, I had to enter and check out all the info :) Ism't it funny thinking back to my little piggies?!
Tulsileaf - C baby actually isn't button jpined but she does look like it, doesn't she?! She was made by my friend Rohini or Gopita's Dolls and it was a new doll pattern/style she used.
I planned on making a bonnet and completely forgot, thank you fo the reminder! I am going to have to do that :) Did you see the pattern I sue for the girls' bonnets? It's really easy and fast.
liebchenhut - Thank you so much for your kind words. I am very blessed to have suh a dear friend teach me how to knit. I can't believe it's only been about four years since I learned, it feels like it's been something I have done forever. :)
Tricia - Thank you for that link! I am in love with that pattern and I think I need to knit at leats one up in the near future ;)
Thank you again everyone!
oh the slippers... I think I might develop a liking for hedgehogs (echidna's here I guess) too!
The McCalls pattern... I always dreamt of a pretty frilly white long night time set...
it's all just lovely and I am glad I found your blog... just what I needed to re-inspire what was already there but a little bogged down.
Thankyou for sharing with us all.
oh, the set turned out so, so lovely!! you are quite talented, my friend. ;)
What great gifts. Lucky C! The February Baby Sweater is just gorgeous. I can't believe you made matching dress and sweater for the dolly too. Super Mama. They look adorable together, so sweet.
Where do i get one of those hats?? Can I buy one or do you have a pattern? Thanks!
all of your handmades turned out so gorgeous! i love the matching knits, and the slippers are jut as sweet!
Nicole, your handiwork is simply beautiful. I envy your skill and am so glad C was so happy to wear it all!
I am just catching up in the blogworld and oh.my.word.... I think I am about to d.i.e. from the absolute adorableness of C's matching outfit with her doll!!!!
Fantastic work, Nicole! I'm sure C will treasure this always <3
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