We don't have an extra room in this house to set up as a playroom like we did in our old house but instead have many play spaces all over the house. I thought I would share their kitchen play space today. The kitchen in this house is rather cramped due to a counter dividing it in half (and in major need of work all around). On one half of the counter is all the cupboards, the appliances, sink, etc and then on the other half is a big empty space to put your kitchen table. Our table is much too big for that space so we decided to instead turn it into the girls' space.
A child is inspired in play by his or her surroundings. Therefor, I feel a play space should be a simple, calming and inviting environment, filled with materials found in nature, and with out too many colors disturbing the senses (You'll find this in Waldorf kindergartens, as well). I also feel it is important (if you have the space) to place your child's play kitchen within or nearby your own kitchen so they can mimic you while you cook (plus it helps keep them busy when it's the end of the day and you're frantically trying to get dinner ready in time - What? That never happens to you?!), so this space ends up being rather an ideal set up, after all. I do really love that the biggest wall in this space is a sliding glass door (that doesn't work) with a view of trees filled with squirrels and birds.
With out further babbling here is the girls' current kitchen set up.
*I feel the need to let it be known that we are not rich and most of these things have been gifted, thrifted, made by me or bought during a sale. *
Evening light shining in - my view (to the right) over the counter
My view (to the left) over the counter
The ever-changing seasonal print hanging over their play kitchen
'Mama's little helpers' storage ( I want to replace those plastic feather dusters at some point)

Yummies baking inside their oven (previously used picture, the play kitchen was a lot lighter back then)
Doll highchair in corner
Doll strollers & doll laundry area
Window stars
Spring decorations above their table (where our advent wreath was at Christmas time)
Shepherd mobile
The dividing counter is an ever changing art display as well as home to their kitchen supplies
Phew, that was a lot of pictures! I hope they helped to somewhat give a tour. It's funny becuase the pictures make the area seem so much bigger than it really is.
I'll take more of the other areas soon.
Lastly our Great Outdoor Challenge picture for today (I forgot to post one Wednesday - Oops!). The girls and I spent yesterday enjoying the sun while our dogs battled around us (look at Nara!!)
Wishing you all a weekend of inspired play!

What an amazing space! I love how inspiring it is. It makes *me* want to cook. :) Your play spaces for your children are always so beautiful, Nicole. That shepherd mobile is my favorite. Any links to share for that? ;)
PS. I've been thinking about you alot over the last few days and hope you're ok. Take care and have a great weekend!
Your kitchen area is so sweet (and so clean!) And I love how you always seem to have your gorgeous dogs out and about with you! I'll bet the girls have so much fun with them.
Beautiful, beautiful! I plan to put my daughter's hand-me-down play kitchen in a corner of ours as well, though we hardly have room enough for it.
I love the Little Baby, too :)
Nicole, this is super lovely! I've begun the (slow) process of making our rental kitchen into a more baby/toddler inviting space. I started by getting rid of extraneous clutter, and will be adding a fresh coat of light blue paint (over the dark, dark orange that's there right now!) Have you ever used a Learning Tower with your girls? Know of anyone who has? I'm trying to decide if we should find one for Finn.
Looks like you have created some very special spaces around your house for your girls to find their imagination (kind of neat that it isn't just in one place :))
I hope that you have a great weekend Nicole.
Love these photos. Smiling to myself because looking at your pics is a bit like looking into my own home. This blogging makes the big world a tiny place---I have found mamas all over the planet who belong to the same tribe! cool!
Oh my, I love this. This is just the type of space that I would have if I had a girl.
What a beautiful spot to play.
Hugs, Julia
How wonderful!
it's beautiful! our kids have a playroom in this house, but i do miss having their kitchen near my own. sounds like a nice set up there as far as that goes.
funny, i often feel the need to make the same disclaimer. we have been very blessed, too. i know to some that visit it seems that we have spent a lot of money on our beautiful toys. ;)
the spring decorations are just lovely!
So sweet and it was like taking a peek into our play kitchen area (only yours was a bit tidier at the moment;) Thank you for sharing!
I am thinking about incorporating my daughters play kitchen into our dining room. I wanted to bring it out but my mother (who I think thinks she still rules the roost) convinced me not to. We were never allowed to have our toys outside of our play area so when I think of my house with all of my daughters toys around it looks so odd to me. But her room is getting so cramped.
Oh! Easy way to make a feather duster. Get some feathers from a craft store and a dowel rod. Hot glue the feathers around the stick, then wrap a piece of twine or yarn around it and secure it with hot glue. you can drill a small hole in the top and put a string loop in it to make a hanger. I need to do one for my daughter.
Oh, goodness... I'm in love. My eight-year-old son still likes to play with his kitchen stuff occasionally with friends, but he would never appreciate this gorgeous set-up. And I probably can't justify setting up something like this for my own enjoyment. Someday...
I just love the spaces you create. So beautiful! I'm curious, after our "pine sucks for toys" flickr conversation - what did you do to your kitchen that makes it darker? Did you finish it? Our poor play kitchen needs some serious help, and I'd love ideas on how to improve it.
What an inviting, warm play space.
This is such an inspiring and beautiful playspace! I gave away all of our play kitchen toys recently because my kids are older now, but I miss them. ;)
p.s. I'm happy that you liked the heart!
Thank you so much for posting these! I have recently had some wonderful finds at the thrift store! Sets of Wooden bowls and baskets especially. The children love these and they are very beautiful. I've been reading Heaven on Earth, and it does seem that no matter where the children have a play space, they will all congregate near mama or papa! Thank you again for sharing and giving us a beautiful peek into your home!
Oh, I just adore her little kitchen area. I love the kitchenette. Looks like she is happy to be outside playing.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE it and am so inspired!!! Where did you get that lovely spring photo? You're such a great mama. :)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE it and am so inspired!!! Where did you get that lovely spring photo? You're such a great mama. :)
I just love this play space! I have my first girl baby in 10 years, and I am already planning to have my husband build her a kitchen for her 2nd birthday...
I love this Nicole. I look forward to sharing our childrens place spaces too! I found it important to create their room as a place of sleep and was lucky to have another small room to set up their play space. While re-arranging I moved their play kitchen (same one you have) into the kitchen. Our house is small yet it has been a wonderful spot for it. Like you mentioned they cook along with mama and I know that they play more in the rooms where I also am so it works so well. Thank you for sharing this beauty! : )xo
What a beautiful, calming space. I am hoping to eventually get one in our kitchen when we are able to give our kitchen a redo and find a tiny corner of space. That's even better that most of it was thrifted or gifted.
beautiful, I want to play there!
What a sweet space! I love the hanging spring decorations. Where did you get them?
Thank you so much for sharing these, wonderful inspiration. :-)
Thanks so much for sharing this! It inspires me to move the play kitchen into our kitchen . . . which was my initial plan. Will have to find a new place for my crafting!
any chance you would let me in on where you get the seasonal pictures from? i have been wanting something like that for one of our corners.
this is all so inspiring. we're hoping to move t his spring/summer and i so look forward to setting up new, lovely corners!
I *love* this space! It looks so welcoming for the kids.
I think the most beautiful part of this child's space is the love that momma put into it!
love it all! you have put it all together so well... xoxox
and where oh where did you find that little spring print? does it come in a set? I love it! :)
Great last photo - such a contrasting moment huh? I loved that you shared your play space - I have been meaning to - you have inspired me. I love the mobiles - the bird was my favorite - where did you get it? I need to add some hooks like you have for the girls - great idea.
I also love that doll changing table - I have been admiring it in catalogs for some time now.
You have lucky girls - as so much thought and love went into their play space.
Namaste, Nicole
Simple beauty. I love the outdoor challenge photo... :)~
That was so nice to see. You really have created such sweet calm spaces. We do not have a separate room for a play space but one end of our main living space, shared with sewing area, of course my favorite area of the house. Chloe recently moved their wooden kitchen down to her room but it's really not fitting well, needs to find it's right home.
I love your little spring ornaments, especially the bird! And the pink apron!
xoxo Renee
What a beautiful play area! Inspiring! I just love your spring picture...do you mind me asking where you bought it?
simply beautiful! I love it!
I love all the photos of your little ones' space, absolutely wonderful! Thank you for sharing Nicole:) I think we must join the Outdoor Challenge...
What an amazin gplay space this is! Very inspiring :)
Wonderful pictures!
Absolutely adorable! I wish we had room in our home to make a space like that.
Such beautiful space. What a wonderful environment you have created for your children.
What a wonderful space you've created for your littles! I am hoping to set up something like that in our home for my boys too. I just loved your shepherd mobile! So much inspiration found on your blog! Thanks!
such a beautyful and inspiring place. lovely!
love the space...so delightfully refreshing.
and the dogs...lol!
Nicole, your girls' spaces are beautiful. Truly lovely! And I think you and I are a lot alike in the making, thrifting, etc. More than 95% of the contents of our home are made, gifted, or thrifted. I like it that way!
That play space is beautiful and so inspiring. It is perfect for hours of creativity. I hope you had a lovely weekend.
It's beautiful! And I couldn't help thinking, "I love that buttercream color on the kitchen wall, so warm and sunny."
The dogs crack me up b/c that looks just like our german shep and husky play...scary teeth showing and all!
Wow, thank you so very, very much everyone! Your words mean so much.
My MIL is coming this week so my computer time is cut even shorter in preparation but I wanted to answer all of your questions.
The shepherd mobile I believe was made by Kinderkram or Speil and Holz. It's an older version and I was able to get it for a good deal. I think if you google it, it will come up.
The seasonal print is indeed part of a set. It's called 'Seasons on the farm' and it's by Eeeboo. I found it about 2 1/2 years ago when we went to check out the Kimberton Waldorf School in PA.
The hanging bird and bunny were from my friend Tiffeni but I am pretty sure they are ade by Kinderkram.
Meg - I've been meaning to e-mail you about a couple things, how funny you should stop by :) We actually don't have the learning tower. The girls just use chairs and stools pushed up to the counter BUT I have been drooling over them. They seem so much safer. If I could find one used I would be all over it.
Sarah - Oh yes, the evils of pine :p We actually didn't do anything to that play kitchen, can you believe it? It got so much darker (I think) from the sun. I need to put a coat of beeswax on it though.
Thank you again everyone and I apologize for the rushed response!
I can't believe I missed this post! The playspace is so beautiful in it's simplicity...I want to come over and play! I love how the pine kitchen has acquired the patina of age and lots of play :)
you did an amazing job with the girls playarea!! so lovely.
Beautiful play space! My husband is just finishing the girls play kitchen. I can't wait to have it in place.
Ok so I am a little late to read this gorgeous post. I really loved the "SPRING" letters on top of the kitchen. Does the set include all letters? Does the company make them for the other seasons?
Sorry for all the questions. I just thought they were delightful!
Thank you ladies!
Granolamama - My MIL gave me the wooden spring letters. She actually bought them because that's our last name, but we use them as a springtime decoration for the girls. I am not sure where she got them or if they have the other seasons or not. I am thinking they were from a drug store or something like that, though. I'm sorry I'm not much help with that.
Hi Nicole, I've only just found your blog and I LOVE it! Please could you let me know where you got the girls little enamel bowls and plates from?
Thanks, Kathy x
Hi there! K's white with blue dots enamelware (plates,bowls and matching cups) are by Gluckskafer I bought our set a couple years ago from my dear friend Tiffeni but I am sure if you google the company you will be able to find them online.
C's wooden bowls, spoons, forks and little wooden mug are from Nova Natural. HTH!
Nicole, where did you get the wooden bowl on the table that is kinda curved (with vegges in it). I am looking for one of those, and just cannot find where these come from
What a lovely and inspirational play space! It makes me want to go and organize our 'corners'.
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