*Little warning - This post is kind of all over the place as I am still processing this journey*
Oh ol' blue eyes, you've just gotta love him. Words can not tell you how badly I wanted to belt this out while standing on top of a table at K's future school the other week. I restrained myself, but it was hard.
Literature from our school, this is like GOLD to us!
After 4 years our dream is finally coming true. We signed our contract and are now officially members of our local Waldorf school starting next fall. K will be going into kindergarten and C and I will be attending the parent-child classes.
Wow. Looking back now, 4 years doesn't seem that long, but until we signed that contract it felt like an eternity.
I can still remember the first day I met my dear friend and her opening my eyes to Waldorf education. I had never heard of it before then. K was 6 months old at the time and my friend's daughter was the same age (they are only 2 days apart in age) It was funny because even though I had no clue what Waldorf was, I was already raising K in sync with Steiner's teachings. It seemed obvious to me that this was meant to be and I instantly dove into every book and resource I could find.
Unfortunately, there were no Waldorf schools where we were living in Virginia and my husband's job causes us to relocate quite often, so I have always had this inner fear that our dream of a Waldorf education would not come true. Granted, I could home school following a Waldorf curriculum and that was the plan, although I felt this constant longing to be involved with a school.
Then my husband got his relocation papers and we were set to move to Oregon - a place where Waldorf schools are like Starbucks. Again I took this to be fate. We researched the schools there and found the perfect one. I contacted the school right away and began working on getting everything set up for next fall. When we arrived in Oregon we attended the school's festivals and celebrations, we had our interview (which went really, really well), and it just seemed too good to be true.
I can't wait to get to work on her hats, place mats and napkins.
Just as things were going really well, we ran into a major set back. Without notice we were told we had to pay a rather large deposit to secure K's spot in the kindergarten. We were counting on our tax return to pay the tuition and didn't have any money set aside, so we didn't know what to do. To make matters worse we were told K would lose her spot all together if it wasn't paid soon enough. I went into panic mode. Then a wise friend said something that really stuck with me:
Don't lose faith, if you know it is the right thing - it will all work out. Do not give in to fear and desperation, it is the worst thing you can do.
Thank you Christine for your sage-like insight.
Right after hearing that, (to make a long story short) we worked it out with the school and now we return to me wanting to belt out Sinatra to the heavens.

Wishing you all a weekend filled with dreams coming true!!

That is such awesome news, Nicole. Really! I'm so excited for all of you as you begin this journey. I really do wish we had a Waldorf school nearer to us, so I'll just live vicariously through you. :) I can't wait to see the hats, placemats and napkins you make!
I know how you feel. When Sam was finally old enough this winter he started at our local Waldorf school in the mixed age kindergarten. It was such a thrill to final;y be a part of a community who held the same beliefs we hold dear. Congrats and go ahead and sing out loud!
Glad to hear you found a school you liked. I notice the first aid section in your other post I think anywhere else they wouldn't do anything that was not FDA approved. lol.
SO excited for your daughter and for your whole family!!!!
(still can't post with my regular ID??)
Nicole, your sincerity and enthusiasm is so sweet. And, totally understandable! Congratulations to you all for working out that most important piece of the puzzle. Whew! :)
Seeing life come together the way that you so hoped that it would is magical. I wish you and your girls many blessings on this new journey. May it be all that you wished for, and more
i'm SO very excited for you!! we have a waldorf school initiative here that is working to start a school in the fall, but nursery and k only and sienna is first grade ready. :( i feel really disheartened about choosing *the next best thing*. we are fortunate that there are lots of alternatives in this here lovely asheville area, but it's not the same experience. that is part of why i created my program. so, that my kids could at least have the early childhood waldorf experience. i can't help but think about relocating in a few years. ;)
So happy for you! This is still just a dream for me, but you never know....
Wow, I am so very happy for you! Congratulations and I can't wait to hear about your journey with this school community!
How wonderful, that is so exciting. I'm not super familiar with waldorf education but their list of what to take alone is very inspiring. Have fun gathering all things together.
Oh, I'm so glad you are able to send your daughter to that school. It is so important, especially when moving often, that your children are in the right place.
How wonderful for your family! We're also dreaming of Waldorf education (our son is 10 months old). For now our plan is to home school following a Waldorf curriculum. Enjoy the making of the hats, napkins, and place mats!
I'm so happy for your family! Waldorf school IS a dream come true! After a long complicated journey filled with many obstacles, our children are returning to our local Waldorf school in the Fall as well. I feel like singing the same song! Which Waldorf school are you going to? We're in Oregon too. Maybe it's the same one!
I've been a silent follower of your blog for awhile now and really enjoy it. :) Congrats on the school for K! We're located in the middle of the midwest, and there are no Waldorf schools anywhere near us. I'm still learning about Waldorf (our first child is 6 mo. old), and I'm pretty sure I'll be homeschooling her, when the time comes, along that line. :)
oh nicole - i know so well how it feels to have this dream come true! it did for us, as well. and i am SO HAPPY for you, my sweet friend! it is truly heaven! BIG hugs and much love!
Congratulations! I am so glad it all worked out for you so well. :)
I'm so glad this worked out for you and I'm excited to hear more as school begins next fall.
happy weekend!
Wow! I would love to read those packets. They look like they have a lot of really interesting information.
When I have children, I'd love to do a Waldorf homeschool co-op with friends. My dream is to set up my home in a Waldorf way before having children so I can begin to follow that path before adding a baby to it.
This is so wonderful. congratulations, truly meant to be!
Congratulations! I would share your excitement over the parts of the manual you photographed - healthy food am must = heaven. I hope you'll continue to share how things go in K and beyond. There are no Waldorf schools were I live in SC, so we are homeschooling, Waldorf-inspired. It's a wonderful journey!
How exciting for you all! I am so glad it is working out for you and look forward to hearing all about the school in the fall.
My daughter graduates from our Waldorf School in June. It has been an incredible 11 years. Good luck to you all! Your school publications caught my eye as I have been writing a parent handbook for our school.
Congratulations on achieving such a wonderful thing for your children - they are very lucky indeed to have you as parents.
Everything works out when it's meant to be! Good luck at the Waldorf school next year. I'm sure that you will love it there, as well as living in Oregon. Wonderful!
Oh, Nicole! I am so happy for you and your family! Warmest wishes to all of you on this exciting journey! (Our new neighbor is a Waldorf school teacher! (I am soooo excited about this) it has been really great getting to know them : ) xo
I really wish our Waldorf school wasn't 45 minutes away.
K is going to love school. It actually brought tears to my eyes to see M interacting with other little kids. To see her hugging her friends. I wept!
Our pre-k that M is in is wonderful, I wish they did kindergartend. But since they don't we will be waldorf homeschooling.
It is a dream come true. You are giving such a gift to your children. We are planning our move to the only Waldorf School in Atlantic Canada in the next couple of years for our darling daughter. I can't wait to be a part of the community there. Blessings on your Waldorf journey.
I am so very happy for you! We love being involved in the school our kindergartner is in. Her's is a music conservatory (they had an amazing concert last night) and the parents and kids all have a shared enthusiasm. (That said, I had never planned to homeschool but most certainly would now if I didn't like any other options!)
So happy for you and she looks so cute and grown up in that photo!
I'm so glad that things are working out for you!
Hi, I have just finished my years at a Steiner School, my youngest is 19. how wonderful you can now be apart of a movement that honors childhood. Love and light Marie from New Zealand
I am really pleased for you that everything has worked out well. Congratulations.
I remember in our interview saying that if she didnt get into the school...then I would keep her at home...there was no other choice ! Being involved in waldolf education has been rewarding and fulfilling for us all...little did I know I'd end up assisting in her old class, and studying anthroposophy and running my own playgroup at the school.....one never knows where the road will lead ! Remember the journey of a thousand miles....enjoy those steps x
so wonderful! Dreams do come true!
Congrats! I so wish my boys could go to the local waldoroh school, but is a bit over an hour away. Not economically possible at this point.
I am so happy that you were able to get a spot for your little one.
I can't wait to here all about it this upcoming school year.
It must be exciting to see the culmination of your dream!
OH, I share your breath-holding and finally relief! We too, have a move ahead of us so my bubba boy can go to Waldorf and as a former Waldorf kindy teacher, I can't imagine anything else and am holding my breath until he is 'in'. It is a couple of years yet, so i'm busy hosting Moondew playgroup and creating our own community here so it keeps us involved but can't wait to be part of a lovely school community again!
What a perfect and wonderful fit! I'm excited for you and your family!!! Here's to the adventures of the upcoming year!
Joy for you! Lovely. I love Christine's advise. I think I am going to have to write it down and post it somewhere. I couldn't agree more. Giving into fear is never helpful.
We are signing the papers to send T to our local Waldorf's Kindergarten (3 days a week) next year. I am so excited!
Thank you so much to all of you that read my ramblings! They really were all over the place, huh?
Thank you, too, for your support and taking the time to leave some sweet, sweet words here, and your own school journeys.
I so loved this, Nicole and am so happy that your dreams for yourself and family are coming true! It seems like yesterday (though maybe it was 3 years ago?) that I began reading your posts on MDC about your Waldorf journey... it's so wonderful to see that your journey is beginning on a new, exciting path. I feel teary thinking about your struggles and how they all made this destination all the sweeter..
With all the love in the world to you and your family...
Great news! I'm very happy for you and your family. So much faith and positive attitude. I'm inspired. My oldest girl will also start on nursery at the Toronto Waldorf School in September, so I share with you all the excitment!
that is so great! We are planning on homeschooling, but I often find myself daydreaming about sending my kids to the Waldorf school!
nicole! i just had an idea for the placemats + napkins.
some kindergarten teachers try to dress the colors of the week or have an apron for each day, and the preschool teacher i worked with was always pining for placemats and napkins that were colors of the week (based on steiner).
i've toyed with the idea myself. i wouldn't mind a rainbow of aprons! : )
Kendra - That's briiliant, thank you that is what I MUST now do! :)
I am moving up to Portland this summer! If you have any insight to offer about Waldorf schools in the area it would be much appreciated - I know there are a lot of choices!
Hey there! I would love to tell you more about the Waldorf schools we have found in the area, what's your e-mail addy or can you e-mail me: farmergopi@yahoo.com
We are in the same position as many of the others that have commented, here in Launceston, Tasmania, Australia. We have a playgroup for children through to age 6, and we have 1 day a week called little friends for older children, but no more. There is a very small committee trying to build the community more, slowly slowly, but it will get there. Much love and light x
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