End of winter nature table
Old King winter is in the process of moving his castle back to the North Pole while Mrs. Thaw is preparing for the arrival of spring. We only had one day of snow here in Oregon (We really thought it snowed more here *sigh*. We miss snow!), so our nature table has to represent this change for our girls right now.
We will pack away all of our winter things in just a few days to make room for our springtime items but before we did I had to share a very special King Winter puppet that has been presiding over our nature table.
My dear friend Tiffeni blessed us with him as part of a wonderful package back in January. I have mentioned Tiffeni quite a few times on here. We love her (K wants to fly back to Virginia to see her just about every other day), and I feel I owe so much to her for all of the inspiration and knowledge she has given me over the years, and still continues to give me. She made this King Winter herself many years ago either during her Waldorf teacher training or her first year teaching, (I can't remember which it was, now, I'll have to ask her again) and told me about all that went into him. I think we all know how significant handmade things are to me, so you can only imagine how my heart skipped a beat when I opened him up. Knowing the details of how he was made, the love put into him and the fact that she was the one to make him makes him so very, very special to us.
I have to share a couple of other things from the package, as well (that the girls did not instantly squirrel away on me as they did with other things from the package!)...
She also included her very first knitting project (from that same time period): a recorder case. Can I just gush about how honored we are to have something that special?! I threw away my first knitting project (a knitted pig) a couple of years ago and I wish I hadn't now. Something like that truly is something to hang on to.
Inside the case were two pentatonic recorders (along with sheet music, care instructions and supplies and other goodies). I can't wait for the girls to use these! Traditionally children in Waldorf schools learn to play the recorder around the age of seven (in first grade) so it will be a little while before they start, but I am hoping to teach myself in the meantime so I can help them when they get to that point. Plus, I just secretly want learn how to play myself. I have this silly dream of our family playing music together around the fire, like in the olden days. Eh, my dream makes me happy.
The BEST backpack ever
The last thing I was able to get a picture of was this fantastic backpack. Sadly, I could not get an action shot but maybe in the future. This bag is absolutely perfect for nature hikes, among many other things. K decided its the perfect papoose to put her babies in (her and C are a bit obsessed with papooses at the moment).
We were truly, truly blessed to receive such thoughtful gifts from such a dear friend, and even more blessed to know her and have her in our lives - even if from a distance now. Thank you Tiffeni and thank you everyone for letting me gush with you!
Wishing you all a wonderful week!

WOW! AMAZING care package filled with love! We have a basket backpack like that one and my son LOVES using it all seasons. In fact he's gotten to big I need to make new straps for his. And those handmade items are such treasures! Enjoy!
Those are all such sweet gifts. I too understand appreciating the handmade. I think when you make things yourself you understand the care that goes into making things.
lovely nature table!!!
have a nice day,
What a sweet package with so many wonderful gifts! The king winter puppet is so wonderful!
I gave away my first knitted thing too, it was a baby hat so tiny, a preemie would have to wear it.
I love that pack basket...so perfect to carry their little loves in with them on a walk.
What a treasure first knits are! Oh my..that says something about your friendship.
I love the papoose {wink}.
Hi Nicole,
I love the name of your blog, and I especially love that winter puppet -- presiding, as you say! Much inspiration here. Thank you.
Um, where might I get one of those basket backpacks?
Your nature table is beautiful! King Winter is amazing. What lovely gifts you received. I love the backpack, it looks so functional:)
very cute and thoughtful presents. am loving your blog. wondering what your thoughts are about having a nature table while living on an island with an endless summer? my son is 3 and has lived here since he was 2. do you think i should make a traditional nature table and talk about the seasons elsewhere in the world?
What a thoughtful, special gift!
ah, i'd say you are blessed to have each other! ;) what an amazing package. i LOVE that king winter!! ;)
What awesome goodies! Sounds like they went to the perfect home. <3
Ironic, isn't it, that after you moved we get the most snow ever here in VA. Bah. Here's hoping you get to enjoy more of it next year.
My oldest is 5, so it'll be awhile before she learns the flute. But, I too am eager to learn to play myself. I hope to get one for my birthday this year!
What a beautiful set of gorgeous gifts. There is something so lasting and treasured about handmade gifts. That backpack is amazing, can't wait to see it in use :)
Such thoughtful gifts! Very sweet.
I love your late winter nature table! Ours is so bare right now, I kept hoping to make some little root children to sleep until spring, and today my littlest one asked for Mrs. Thaw, but now I suppose it will remain bare until spring. Fortunately that is very soon. I mean yikes, that's soon, spring crafting must continue!
what a gorgeous care package Nicole!
Your nature table is beautiful too. Ours is in sad disarray right now.
It really doesn't snow much here, does it? last year I think we had 3 or 4 snow days, but that was about it. We're too close to the warm pacific air currents.
such a lovely seasonal table. we also let king winter move back and spotted first signs of spring:
Thank you all for your sweet words!
Boatbaby - I thought I remembered seeing a backpack like that on your blog ;)
Stephanie - Thank you. Someday we'll live out on our Frontier!
Hanna - I wish I knew! I am asking her though and will ler you know!
Anushka - Hmmm, I think it depends on what you'd like for him. If I was living there I would probably set it up more for the way the island experiences seasons, and then maybe talk about seasons elsewhere or maybe just have a small corner to represent elsewhere... did that make sense? I honestly think it's really just what you would be more comfortable with. HTH!
Jenna - I KNOW!!! Isn't that crazy?!?! Murphy's law, huh?! :)
Thanks again everyone. I'll have to make sure Tiffeni sees all of your kind words.
So much beauty. Love your blog!
Please share where your friend found that awesome back pack!
As always - I enjoy your blog very much.
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