In an effort to keep up with being frugal and more environmentally conscious I am trying to use up every single scrap left over from our flannel quilt. After making the matching coasters I thought I could use a new cover for my rocking chair pillow, too. I have been wanting to try out log cabin style quilting for awhile now and the other night just decided to wing it. I looked at a few pictures and blogs and went from there. It only took a couple of hours to sew it up. It has quite a few mistakes - one being that I broke the cardinal rule of quilting: always iron first. So when I went over my pillow front to quilt it, the pieces moved a bit on me. Lesson learned.
K saw the pillow cover the next morning and wouldn't let me rip it out to start over, so we added the buttons on the back together and are just leaving it mistakes and all. It does help me feel like my living room is coming together a bit more now. I want to make new covers for the pillows on the couch, too, but in some other kind of fabric. I don't want to make everything too 'matchy-matchy'. Any suggestions on fabrics, colors and/or quilting styles for those two pillows? I think I need to add embroidery to at least one of them.
I am happy to say I only have a few tiny scraps left of the flannel... now to decide what to do with them...maybe a doll house rug or blanket...
I finished up my first gift for my close friend's baby due in April (on C's birthday, no less!) I am only posting a sneak peek so she doesn't see it all, but I can say that it is something knit in her favorite colors.

Lastly, here is the second baby gift in progress. Baby things are so much fun to make!
Happy creating!
Thank you for all of your wonderful responses and inspiration on my last post. This is such a great challenge!

Oooooh, yummy! My husband said I can get the flannel stack this weekend and I'm so excited!! I love the idea of quilting on a pillow...I've made many, many that were pieced, but not quilted, did you just quilt the top with a piece of batting?
As for other pillows, I think if you want to do embroidery, I would got with either linen (easily thrifted from 90's dresses) or I'm a big fan of ticking. It usually comes in three colors (red, blue, and tan) so you could choose which suited your living room best.
May I ask one more question? The wire (?) where you hang small items for photographing, could you share more about that? Is it for the girls?- or play silks? Thanks!
I love the pillow cover! And I agree about making baby things--they are fun to make and offer near-instant gratification.
I love the pillow...all your projects are so very inspirational. Thank you so much for sharing them.
I just love this idea of using up every scrap. We have been hand stitching little cotton hearts and stuffing with wool to go along with the newsletters. The pillow is beautiful.
Warm wishes,
Inspiring! There is a wonderful folktale about a favorite coat of a little boy's. It wears out, and his tailor grandfather makes it into smaller and smaller things as each one wears out...a vest, a cap, and a hanky. I think the last creation is a button. It's a really sweet story. Have you seen it? Beth
What about doing the other pillows in linen. You could even do the log cabin quilt pattern but with plain linen. It would give you texture, but neutral colours. Your other pillows look fantastic.
I think the pillow looks great sitting on that chair!
The straight-line quilting makes that flannel look so soft and cozy.
Nice job.
You are doing such an amazing job with all the sewing and quilting you are doing! Thank you for the link for the camera strap! I spent yesterday digging through my stash for my leftover scraps of good folks (not letting a thread of that go to waste!)...
You are an amazing crafty queen, my friend!
<3 M
It's a fantastic pillow! I think it looks great. Can't wait to see more of the baby gifts.
Your pillow looks beautiful :)
Beautiful pillow case!
I love that pillow--I'm on a mission to use every single scrap!
Your pillow looks stunning!
Very cute! The pillow is adorable! :) I'm already planning my leftovers...and dollhouse blankets are definitely on the agenda. My son has been putting ANYTHING on his little dolls at bedtime---washcloth, a diaper, a sock. I keep promising him blankets! Since he only really plays with them to put them to bed...I think I better follow through!
That is beautiful! This is why I want to learn how to sew so badly. I love the things you create and baby things are definitely the best! Any suggestions on where to start?
Good for you for being frugal with your beautiful fabric. I think the pillow looks beautiful. I especially love the off-center aspect. I can't wait to see more of your pillows. :)
Love the pillow! You have inspired me to create something log cabin myself!
Nicole- I love your pillow cover! The colors are so gorgeous- a beuatiful combination! And i like the way the patern is offset a little. Great idea for using those extra bits and pieces! Fiona
I love the colours you have used to knit the baby gift, what a beautiful gift Nicole!
hi nicole, so i DO have another question about the quilt...if you're willing to spellit out for me!
you said you ironed the seams flat, then sewed it up with a flannel sheet and the batting inside, so....
i'm imagining the squares all done and ironed. then do you do it down with the squares right side facing up, then lay the batting and the flannel on, sew it all but a 6" or so opening and then flip it right side out, then stitch up the opening by hand?
i need a bit of hand holding, but i so want to do this project!
wonderful creations. you are whipping things out so quickly! i love the pillow (can't see any mistakes from here!) and i can guess on the baby gift and love it.
I'm sorry this is a short response.
Mackenzie - I did indeed quilt the top with a piece of batting and then a piece of scrap fabric behind it so the top is technically 3 layers.
I like the linen idea! Thanks!
The wire I hung the shorties on is on the girl's side of the kitchen and it's their 'art gallery' where they hang up their favorite artwork.
We have on that will be going up in the living room for their playsilks, too ;)
Beth - I have not seen that story, I will have to look for it, thanks!
Karah - Thanks! hand sewing might be a good place to start. I need someone to show me in person when I am learning so I would also suggest checking out your local craft store or sewing shop for sewing classes. HTH!
Kate - I am just like you, so I totally understand! OK, I just need to remember now.. I believe I had the back and front right sides together and then the batting on top.. I think. My memory is failing me right now! Then sewing the top and 2 sides and left the bottom open, turned it right side out them sewed the bottom pieces together.
I hth!!!
thanks so much for the tips on the quilt making.
i think i just had a brilliant idea....i'm going to try to do a doll quilt first. i'll do what you said, but on a much smaller test subject! if it goes well, i can move up to full size from there.
THANKS *so* much!
: )
hope you are warm, wherever you's 9 degrees here in new england...we could use that quilt right about now!
That sounds great Kate. Thats what I did :)
Nicole - I love your quilted pillow. I too am on a "use up every scrap" kick from my daughter's Big Girl quilt - It's amazing what you can do with scraps isn't it?!
I also just wanted to say thank you for your Moms for Modesty blog button. I cannot even begin to tell you just how much that has been on my heart lately. That blog link just showed me I'm not the only one who wants to protect the heart, mind and bodies of our little girls. Thank you thank you thank you!
God's blessings on you and your littles :)
Thank you, thank you for your thoughtful words :) It's funny because I didn't realize how much modesty for my girls means to me until I was pregnant with K and my MIL had a baby shower for me. Some one bought K this tiny halter top and skirt and I can just remember my MIL saying "look! Baby's first halter top". I was so upset and disturbed by that.
Anyways, that was a bit long! :)
I hope you're taking pics of all you are using the scraps for!! <3 xoxo
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