Deja vu?
It may appear that I am working on the same knitting project but don't let your eyes fool you. I actually finished up K's birthday sweater a couple days ago (I already packed it and forget to take a picture) and am now working on C's matching sweater. I *hope* to have it done by the end of the week so I may start work on yet another knitted sweater, but that one is a surprise for someone so I can't talk about it just yet.
I have had the chance to sew here and there and I am finally finishing up my projects for the road trip. I hope the girls like them.
K's night night baby
Night night baby is almost done. I am finishing up the embroidery on her face, and baking the millet (to stuff her with - she's a 'heavy' baby), then I just need to put her all together.
K's secret surprise project has been on the shelf for much to long. Luckily, it's now perfect as a road trip surprise. I am nearing completion on this project as well. Just a few minor stitches here and there, but I honestly don't think it was worth the suspense. I can always fix it up later once we are settled in Oregon, at least I keep telling myself that!
Happy creating everyone!
ETA: Happy Birthday to me! :) Thank you Marina for my Flickr gift! I will put it to good use, ASAP! You are much too kind!!

I hope we get to see the road trip surprise! The fabric is quite lovely. Your wipping is so mysterious today. :) The night night doll is adorable!
Oh, joy! I just discovered your beautiful blog and can't wait to explore!
happy birthday love!!! miss you ni...*smooche* everything looks great..:)
What a sweet night-night baby! And how fun that today's your birthday! Hippo Birdie to You! [sorry, I can't resist the corn ;-)].
can't wait to see the sweaters and the secret surprise. ;) and goodness gracious, i didn't know it was your birthday - happiest of birthdays to you! big hugs. :)
am so looking forward to the night night doll. i think that is just delightful. i'd love any tips on how to make one or what you are using as your guide...we need more dolls in our house :)...spread the love around a bit.
What a sweet baby doll, even if she is just a head so far. And happy birthday! I hope it has been wonderful!
I love the night night doll. Question: out of curiosity why do you bake the millet?
Hope you had a wonderful day!!
I have just stumbled on your blog. I love it. I cannot wait to read more.
This doll looks fantastic already!
Happy birthday to you.
Happy belated birthday Nicole!
Who makes the little canoe that C is playing with in your header?
Hope you had a fabulous birthday! Random question of the day: Where did you get your barn toy shelf? I love, love, love it.
So wonderful to add another great mama blog to my list of inspirations. I love your on the go projects. I am sure your girls will love them...
Happy road trip and Happy Birthday
Warm regards
Thank you for your kind words everyone!! <3
Praire girl - You know what, I am not exactly sure! :p I am just following the instructions that came with the pattern (It's from Joys Waldorf Dolls), and she doesn't state why we need to bake it. Weird, huh?
Melissa - I posted th pic on flickr for you with the info :) It's from Ostheimer.
Teresa Jensen - We got it from our local unfinished wood store called Good Wood, it's amish made. HTH!
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