Tee hee. What are you doing to me? I was finally able to get a copy of your book and it's amazing and so inspiring just like your blog. But now I allowed myself to go overboard. That is no one's fault but my own, though. I'm taking on too much and spreading myself too thin with all the ideas floating around in my head. How do you create so many beautiful things with 4 kids?! Please do tell. I can't seem to get just one thing done with 2 kids. BUT I am learning it is all about balance, and I need to find mine. Thank you for inspiring me to try and persevere!
I got myself in over my head with homemade things for C's birthday. It all started with the sheep yoke neck cardigan,that's almost done I just have to do the duplicate stitching on the sheep.
-Then there's C's birthday crown, I've barely started that.I have the 2 layers of the crown cut out and 1 detail so far but that's it.
-Now of course I decided that C's first doll she'll be getting needs (like K's K baby, C will have C baby) a matching birthday crown as well. That at least is 95% done, I just need to finish sewing it up and trimming any flaws. C's baby is coming from Gopita's Dolls on Etsy. I had the pleasure of meeting her and her dear family years ago when I lived in PA. Her work is amazing and 100% filled with love. Everyone should check her out!
-The Spring tablecloth for her birthday table,haven't done anything with that yet.
-And then there's the biggest time consumer...a sleepy sack for C baby. C,since birth has slept in a sleepy sack every night. It's part of our night time routine. She knows when she sees that, it's time for bed. So her baby needs one, too! There isn't a pattern for one so I am making my own. I had it all figured out for DK weight yarn and after many good ups got it set. Then I ran out of yarn and have no way of buying more b/c K threw away the label on me months ago. Soooooo I had to rip all of that out. Now I just finished dying some worsted weight yarn to use. I just hope this will be enough but now I have to re-figure out the entire pattern I made because my gauge will be off. So once the yarn dries I'll be knitting up another swatch *sigh*.
-I know I have a lot more I'm making too but my brain can't seem to function right now after thinking about all of those things!
Did I mention I don't have a working sewing machine so I have to do all this by hand? It' actually really nice sewing by hand but when you have a deadline it's a bit scary!!
Wow,typing it all out it looks like I don't have that much to do,but trust me it's a lot! It doesn't help I only get from 8-11pm each night to work on these things.
Just to clarify, I love Amanda Soule, and all that she does! I can not wait for her new book to come out. We all know how much I love Martha Stewart and Amanda ( to me ) is like the younger AP, Waldorf version of her. I'm just frazzled right now and wish I could sit down with her and a nice cup of tea and chat about anything and everything but also have her explain in many details how she does it!
Now to make this post a bit less about my crafting depression here's some things that are making me happy right now:
K's nature table in her room
Our family nature table in the playroom (which has all ready changed by the way. This pic is from last weekend.)
Above the nature table
Spring birds coming out
Aw Nicole, I love, love, LOVE everything you're doing for C's birthday (and can't wait to see it all)!
Now just take a deep breath, it'll all be wonderful...
I think you know this, but as much as I love reading Amanda Soule's blog, she makes me feel pretty craft/home inept as well.
Wow! I'm feeling exhausted just reading your to-do list! What wonderful presents C's getting though, my kid's always cherish the handmade presents much more than store ones!
Beautiful nature tables, especaially K's!
I love, and am constantly inspired, by Soulemama also! I think she may well be Supermom! :D
Good luck on finishing all your projects, what a hapy day it will be indeed!
Your nature tables are gorgeous! I know what you mean about Soulemama...I'm sure she doesn't *mean* to make us all feel inadequate. :) I'm sure her gifts will all be lovely. Please post pics when they're complete.
Bless your heart. I'm sure everything will come together for the babe's birthday wonderfully. *hugs*
Thanks everyone. I needed your encouraging words! I'm now done with the doll's crown and starting back on version 5 I think of the sleepy sack :)
Thank you,too for the compliments on the nature tables. K did hers and helped with our family one.
Marina- ahhh deep breath... ok calming down :)
Soulemama is amazing isn't she?! She truly is a HUGE inspiration for me and I wish I could do as much as her,as well as her!! I'm so happy she has her blog and books to inspire all of us and to bring a bit of Waldorf living to others too. She's like some kind of ambassador :) I will just keep going and keep my hopes and dreams of someday being 1/4 of what she is! <3
Love the pictures or the springy nature tables. Yours put mine to shame. :0)
Oh my dear, are you a perfectionist? It will all be fine. Sorry about the yarn, that must be frustrating. Your daughter is very lucky to get such loving, thoughtful, handmade gifts.
Your nature tables look fantastic! Can I ask where you got the wooden tree? I am just starting a nature table with my 2 1/2 year old and tried felting a tree tonight, we'll see what it looks like when it's dry, but I really like that wooden one.
Way to go by the way on all your birthday goodies.
I popped in from Flickr.
Love your blog!! I was reading the books you are into right now... that snack book... I think it is open EVERYDAY at my house!
Thanks for becoming an affiliate!
You always make me giggle!
I think we have to be careful to NOT be supermom. I have learned not to be as much, I tend towards martyrism and wow it feel SO much better. With blogging how often are there reports of the disasters and crying babies? Not often enough! Then I read Hip Mama and feel so much better. I like the real reports better. Otherwise I feel like I need my head checked.
Wow! Sounds like fun! I'm sure everything will turn out beautifully and your daughter will treasure the memories for years to come!
I agree about Amanda Soule - she is equal parts inspirational and frustrating for me. Not her fault at all, she just seems to really have it together and she loves crafting and creating so much that she makes those things a priority. I've got a husband who travels a lot for his job, is in school for his MBA and two little ones at home and I live far, far away from my entire family. Most days I am just happy the house isn't fall down around my ears! Nature walks, reading books and making fresh food together are what I shoot for daily and I don't feel guilty ordering some nice handmade things for my kids from Etsy if I don't have the skills or time to make them myself!
Your blog and life are lovely and I always look forward to reading your posts.
pampered mom- thank you! i highly doubt ours puts yours to shame though!! :)
jennifer- thank you. yeah *cough* a tiny bit of a perfectionist at times *cough*
siayla- welcome and thank you :) the tree is the ostheimer apple tree (it has apples on one side and the flower blossoms on the other). i got it online somewhere.. i want to say the wooden wagon maybe...
melisa- thank YOU ;) isn't that book the best!
Lizz- you are so wise beyond your years,you know that? thank you for that, i really needed it!
Sylvia- thank you :)
Jess- wow you sound busy! and yes that how i feel about amanda's talent as well! you said it better. i agree with you 100% :)
AWESOME nature table!!!! And I LOVE the branch and nest!!! I know what i'll be setting up later today!!!
Where did you get the wood tree and birdies?!? SO cool!
Wow. You are busy and trying to make everything so nice. Take a deep breath and enjoy what you are doing.
runninl8- hey!! i thought you'd like the nest :) thanks. the tree and birds are by ostheimer
jan-thank you. i need that reminder to slow down!
Your nature table looks great! I think that Soulemama has probably been doing all the artsy things for so long that she doesn't have to do everything at once, if that makes sense. I don't think she did 10 things in one year, but maybe one or two and they've built up over time. I found your blog by doing a google search on "Amanda Soule." How funny is that?
Deanna - Thank you for stopping by and your kind words! How funny you found my blog that way!!
Hi! I love your hanging bird display! I would love to read more about it. Where did you get the birdies and how did you hang the branch? I am finally getting to decorate my childrens rooms and your blog has been extremely helpful and inspirational. Please let me know! Thanks! I'd also love to see more pics of how you've decorated the childrens rooms and play areas. I'll have to post some of my photos too when I'm done :)
Hi there! I took some pics today of one of our play areas and I'll get them up soon :)
I would love to see pics of your spaces.
I got the birds from my friend Tiffeni, I believe they are made by Kinderkram. I hung the branch by tying fishing line around a couple spots and then I tied those pieces of fishing line to hooksand screwed them in the ceiling... if that makes sense.
Let me know if I can help any more :)
You get this post Google'd all of the time because we (the generic "we") all feel the same after reading and looking at Amanda's life. Gorgeously envious and in awe at all she accomplishes. Stunned, really. Your phrase rings in my mind at least once a week after reading her blog. You just said it so perfectly. Best to you! Kate
Kate, thanks! Ha,ha I am glad I am not the only one who is 'Gorgeously envious and in awe at all she accomplishes' - you said it so very well!!
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