I need to get making our healthy homemade "Patriotic Popsicles" (Recipe here) for the celebration, too. This year we'll be using soy yogurt, though.
I can't thank you enough for your encouraging words and advice on yesterday's post. I was a bit hesitant about the nursing/weaning topic simply because there are so many opinions on this matter and I didn't want to possibly hurt anyone's feelings. I have a feeling many of us have a lot in common and parent quite similarly. Thank you for shining your inner lights and keeping it all so positive. I hope maybe your words of wisdom might help out other Mamas in my situation, as well as me. I'll keep you updated on how it all goes!
p.s - I think you guys know what big fans we are of Sparkle Stories - we just can't get enough of them. So, of course, I had to share that they currently have a free Martin and Sylvia (our favorite series) summer story available. You can find it here. Take a few minutes out of your day to cool down and listen while relaxing with your little ones and a fruit smoothie!
What are you working on? Happy creating!
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