
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Keeping cool and weaning

IMG_3290 IMG_3300 He loved it (to my surprise!) IMG_3316 hi mama! Little L's corn on the cob eating style IMG_3420 IMG_3419 I remember when I discovered that our house here in Oregon didn't have air conditioning. In fact, most of the homes in our area don't, because it generally doesn't get hot here. I guess they never saw global warming coming, though. Anyways, we had just moved cross-country from hot, humid Virginia, where I lived indoors spring through autumn because I couldn't handle the heat there. I panicked thinking I would surely just melt here in the summer without my a/c. But then, year after year, summer would come and go and our little house in the dense coniferous forest would stay nice and cool...

That is until this summer! Boy, these past few days have been quite toasty. We keep finding out cats sprawled out all over our hardwood floors trying to keep cool. They'll get up, walk a few steps and then flop right back down. Our dogs are even too hot to chase them. I guess we are all feeling a bit sluggish at the moment. We've been keeping cool with endless smoothies and running in the sprinkler. We have been trying to get out of the house as much as possible, too, and took the little ones to an inflatable tiger slide they had been begging to go to. K went down quite a few times and even Little L wanted to do it (with big sister's help). He loved it, to my surprise. He's such a fearless, crazy, lovable boy. C, on the other hand, was a bit too intimidated by the whole thing. She did end up going down once in the end, though.

Speaking of my crazy boy, I would love to seek some wisdom from all of you on a topic dealing with him...night weaning. Shhhhh, I am whispering so he doesn't find out I am even thinking about this. I did child-led weaning with both of the girls and never had any issues. I expected to do the same with Little L but he nurses so differently then they did. The truth is, I haven't slept well in months, the dark circles under my eyes confirm it. I feel like my parenting is being affected as my patience has been running thin. He has been having a hard time sleeping and nurses all night long. Even though he is snuggled up next to me in bed (which I love), I just can't sleep. Plus, my milk supply has pretty much dwindled away, which makes nursing a tad bit uncomfortable. I decided it would be best for us both to go ahead and night what?! Kevin will be home more this week so we are hoping to have him put Little L to bed and then I will (try to) sleep with the girls. If that works what do I do after that? I always nurse him down to sleep. Will I have to move him out of our bed? I am not quite ready to give up the baby snuggles just yet. As you can see the whole concept of weaning is foreign to me. Any words of advice and even just prayers for us as we try to figure this all out would be so greatly appreciated!

Here's what Little L has to say about all of this weaning talk: I don't hear you!! "I don't hear you!!"
