
Sunday, August 25, 2013

More child friendly home rearranging (in the midst of preparing to move)

Little L's new corner in our bedroom inexpensive bookshelf!! Little L's new corner

Preparing to move and sell our house seems like a perfectly logical time to put holes in our walls and rearrange things, right? Okay, okay, the truth is I needed a distraction. While the girls were in VBS a couple of weeks ago, Little L and I took a trip to Ikea to price shop bunk beds. I tool full advantage of this time out and slowly walked through the whole store gathering ideas for our next home. Before we left, I purchased a couple of their very inexpensive wooden spice racks, having seen a wonderful use for them on pinterest.

I honestly didn't plan on putting them up until we moved but then after days of monotonous work, I wanted to do something fun (and useful). So I hung up one of the spice racks in our bedroom as a bookshelf for Little L. It's right by his little corner of the room, eliminating the need for a book basket (that was constantly tripped over or thrown about). I made him test it out to make sure I got it at just the right height. It was perfect. He loves it and is a bit crazy about keeping it neat.

I truly have so much fun coming up with ways to make our home more child friendly. Perhaps too much fun? I look forward seeing what we come up with in our Idaho home!

sticker shoes

Meanwhile, our children have been keeping themselves busy with things like these sticker shoes you see above. I so love their imagination and creativity!

NF Thai tempeh stir fry IMG_5363

I have been enjoying creating delicious things to eat after a hard day of work. Pictured above is a Thai tempeh stir fry and some ridiculously good vegan ranch dressing, both recipes from the Native Foods Restaurant  cookbook. I suppose I need to stop getting distracted so easily! Our realtor comes tomorrow and we still have a bathroom with half the wallpaper removed and a basement floor we need to paint.


Oh, one last thing! My friend Lisa has this amazing e-course to plan your Waldorf homemaking and homeschooling year going on right now. I joined but I am still playing catch up. I need this course quite badly. I have not yet begun to plan our homeschooling year, and I am still waiting on some important curriculum packets to make their way to me. I don't plan on starting our school year until October, with the move and all, so hopefully I'll be able to get everything together soon.
I do, however, have K's pentatonic recorder in hand. Of course, I realized that I need one too, (to show her how to play it) after this one arrived. So far every book I bought expects me to remember how to read music - which I do not. Ack! Anyways, come join us in preparing for this upcoming school year.

Here's some more info from Lisa:

Come join a lively, warm and dynamic group of moms, teachers and guest speakers in Get Organized! :: Sketch it Out, a Planning Session for Waldorf Homemakers and Homeschoolers. This e-Course has been extended to run for another four weeks, from August 19th through September 14th.

Guest speakers include Howard Schrager of LMNOP on Off to a Good Start, Lynn Jericho On Temperaments, Rahima Baldwin on You Are Your Child's First Teacher, Nancy Parsons Whittaker and Christine Natale, author of Fairy Tales.

We work on Daily Rhythm, Weekly Rhythm, Monthly Rhythm, Seasonal Rhythm and Yearly Rhythm, all within the context of the year as a breathing cycle in Sketching out curriculum for the grades, kindergarten, nursery and homemaking through the year. Where do they overlap? How to use Soul Economy*? Sample rhythms, sample planning and a strong community of moms who are striving to bring strong and gentle rhythms to home life and homeschooling Waldorf style. More information and sign up can be found here: The course fee is $25
