
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

We'll Be Coming Round the Mountain...

We journeyed to the top of our mountain recently to see what we could find up there. K has been asking for weeks to go to the top so we had to make sure we did it. Sadly, a lot of the top appears to be developed but there were some amazing areas where mother nature and all her wildlife still existed. Our house is about 3/4 of the way up the mountain and the woods behind us is home to many deer, coyotes and at least one bobcat (he visited our backyard when we closed on the house).

Walking to the top

The girls being silly and posing. K's nature bag didn't make it through the walk...

And here's why. Goofy C dragged it around with rocks inside

My little feisty one making faces

Mt. Hood and our view on a clear day. We like to imagine it with out all of the houses below, as the Oregon Trail settlers might have seen it

All of our neighbors seem to have goats, we love it!

C picking fairy clocks, she loves to 'make it snow' with them

Well, how do you like that - a post from 2009 that never made it's way to the blog. Yep, that explains why there is no Little L, why the girls look so much younger and why the pictures are so tiny. I have no clue why I never hit the "publish" button, but I am so very thankful that I found it! Talk about serendipity! Every waking moment right now is spent working in this house. We've hit "crunch time" here.We are set to move mid-September and have the realtor coming this Monday to see if our house is ready to put on the market. We know it's not ready but we are hoping that with a lot of prayers, trust and hope, along with busting our butts we will be able to get this house sold before the big move.

I had to share (because who knows how tomorrow will go and I don't want to forget today!), after a rough day yesterday, I was so close to calling friends and begging them to play with our children so that Kevin and I could get a day of uninterrupted work done. I didn't get around to making any calls but there was definitely a reason for that. Today was one of those magical days that I would usually only read about on other blogs. All three of our children were happily helping us, in one way or another, all day long. We talked about Idaho and our next house as we worked. It felt like we were Laura Ingalls Wilder's family. K even told me, as I tucked her into bed tonight, that she couldn't wait to wake up in the morning to do it all again tomorrow. Oh what a great day it was. Many happy helping hands truly do make light work!

Anyways, enough typing for me, time to get back to work ripping up carpet!
