
Monday, July 29, 2013

Tag Along

IMG_4652 Oregon Air Show Shark!! IMG_4659 Oregon Air Show IMG_4666 Oregon Air Show IMG_4671 Oregon Air Show IMG_4712 Oregon Air Show Oregon Air Show
Our annual visit to the Oregon Air Show took place today. This time around Kevin worked his shift in the morning while the little ones and I attended Mass, so by the time we got there he was done and ready to explore with us. I am so very thankful that it was nowhere near as hot as it was last year and I even managed to get out of the house without forgetting anything essential. Phew!

It was a bit quieter this year but I rather liked that; less chaos. It's funny, I never pictured myself as an air show kind of gal but Kevin's job has made it part of our yearly rhythm. Now I can't imagine summer without it. I know my little ones feel the same.

This was the first air show that Little L was able to really participate in. He was just too little to do much at the previous ones. He liked checking out everything around him. He tagged along with his sisters on the bouncy slide but after one slide decided he was done. Something about that slide didn't feel right to him. He came and sat with me, contemplating it, while we waited for his sisters to finish.

He really took an interest in the planes on display yelling, "Big choo-choo!" to each one he saw. And oh my, those planes in the sky, they thrilled him to no end. He would bounce in Kevin's arms squealing, "Up high big choo-choo!!" over and over again. If only you could have seen the way his eyes sparkled as he said it. We may have a future pilot on our hands.

I was planning to post about our other adventure from the past few days but the sun has tuckered me out, so it will come later this week. I so look forward to telling you all about that one. We lived our dream for a day.

red hair? p.s - Does anyone else notice K's hair? It might be more noticeable in the photo above of her holding Little L with his platinum blonde hair (the same color she used to have). Something is changing... dare I say that it has a hint of red?! I keep wondering if any of my children will get my hair. Maybe, just maybe, K will after all!
