
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Little ones can help, too! (and we did it!)

vacuum surfer little helper little helper little helper

I recently gave K the job of vacuuming some of the rooms in our house and she seems to be enjoying her new responsibility. In fact, I think her enthusiasm has spread to her younger siblings (never a bad thing!), as you can see in the pictures above. Little L felt the need to vacuum part of the kitchen after the dogs came up for a bit. I think the dirt in the photos proves his point, need I say more?! He took out the vacuum on his own, had me plug it in and then got to work. I need all the help I can get if we are to get this place ready to sell, so I welcome the help with open arms. Now if only I could find a way to get them to want to do it more often...

In other news -
The fundraiser for my friend's daughter has come to an end. I am so very happy to know that Aayla will be able to get the help she needs. Thank you to all of you that helped out!! A note from the organizer:

"As I'm sure you're aware our fundraiser is now complete- and we exceeded our goal!!! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Hopefully Aayla will have some answers soon, and we'll post a video of her running wild and free :) We did it!!!
Much love, Emily"

Thank you, thank you! I'll be back next week after a couple of fun adventures we have planned over the next few days. See you then!
