
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Learning to let go

017 IMG_1973 005 031 035 037 043 062 004 What a wild ride these past couple of weeks have been. Our world was turned upside down with Kevin's orders, and just when I thought I was already on my knees, we were rocked again with devastating news about a family member. To put it simply - I am learning to let go. Reading has become a refuge for me (I can't put this one down).

Some extraordinary things happened, as well. After my post about our move, I felt like I had a ticking time bomb on my hands. We sat our children down to break the news before it accidentally came to them through other means.
The girls took it really well. I mean they were 'bouncing up and down in their seats asking when exactly we were going to leave' excited. K loved following the Oregon Trail when we moved here so I know she will enjoy our drive to Idaho (and even more Oregon Trail adventures along the way) but I am curious as to how she'll do once we are there. She did say that certain people had to move with us. Oh, how I wish that could be! I do hope there will be lots of visits since we will only be about seven hours away. She seemed okay with the idea of homeschooling, too, so that was a load off my shoulders. I know there will be ups and downs as we go forward on this journey but we'll just take it one step at a time. Right now, the children are excited so we will be, too!

K and her class had their end of the year play. Each grade does their own - think of it as "finals" for Waldorf schools. K's play was entitled "The Water Nixie" and K played the water nixie. It was a bit bittersweet for me. What a talented and beautiful class she has. They are truly exceptional. We will miss them so much.

Little L held a caterpillar for the first time. It was thoroughly entertaining. He was a bit afraid of the fuzzy thing with legs at first, refusing to even let it touch his clothes. He quickly grew to love it and let it crawl all over him.

Oh, and that first photo is from Mother's day but it just seemed fitting. It captures our life-loving, silly family quite well!
