I finished up the last of C's (very late) birthday gifts - her doll's matching birthday outfit. It's a little birthday tradition in our family for the girls' dolls to get new clothes. After all, it's their birthday, too. I made the doll skirt the same way I made C's and the top is a modified version of the girl's cap sleeved spring shirt pattern. The rav page for the top can be found here. I plan on adding more detailed notes as soon as C lets me borrow the top back for a moment.
Please forgive the state of the model. As you can see, C's loves her so very much. It's funny to see just how much C can love her doll in the few short months since her "spa treatment" last Christmas.
I admit it is a lot of work to fix her doll every year but I consider it a privilege to do so. It's such a special thing to have a child cherish a doll so much. I know this time is fleeting, so I am soaking it in while I can!
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