
Monday, May 27, 2013

a day in pictures

maintenance men maintenance men After 3 1/2 years of living without a working sink in our main bathroom, maintenance men water has returned! Our "maintenance men team" of Kevin and Little L restored the sink to working order after 6 trips to Home Depot to get it just right. It was a big learning process for Kevin (and all his helpers) as he had never done anything like this before, but I think it really helped to build confidence to tackle more "do it yourself" projects.first watermelon of the year Out first watermelon of the year was enjoyed with dinner tonight. Quite a treat for us. As for Little L's opinion of it IMG_2084 ...the verdict is still out. bug-a-boo bouquet for mama Phoebe and s'mores IMG_2091 IMG_2018 IMG_2185 IMG_2178 IMG_2179 IMG_2180 IMG_2182 IMG_2205 IMG_2255 IMG_2263 After I got Little L down (who no longer sleeps), we spent the evening outside reading a favorite story, and making s'mores for our very first time. Kevin and I grew up making them as children but not since then. Vegan marshmallow substitutes didn't come about until recently. The girls had a lot of fun with them. C just loved gobbling them up while K enjoyed cooking them over the fire more so than eating them.

Speaking of that sweet baby of mine - he is awake once again! Poor little guy is going through something right now. I just have to keep reminding my sleep-deprived self that this is just a short season in his life.
Wishing you all a beautiful Memorial Day!
