Ah yes, this is the life for me: nights spent knitting outside until neither the glow of the campfire nor the moon could shed light on my work. Thanks to those fun, late nights I am now about 90% done with the body on my cardigan. I am just about to start the leaf motifs. Who knows, maybe I'll finish it before 2015 after all! I am so very happy with my yarn choice for this project. It's hard to see in the photograph above but the colorway (called "moss") has the most stunning variegation. It reminds me so much of all the shades of green we see here in Portland. I keep changing my mind on what to call this sweater but each name it is dubbed always has something to do with Oregon.
What are you working on?! Happy creating!
p.s. Brambleberry yarns is having a moving sale! Use the code MOVINGSALE at checkout to receive 25% off your entire order from now until midnight May 30, 2013. {plus shipping is free for orders over $100.} The code is good for use at both the website and Etsy. Go check it out and get some of my favorite yarn before it's all gone! I snagged some worsted yarn in the mushroom colorway to knit up a sweater for Little L this fall.
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