The act of creating, in one form or another, preserves my sanity amongst the chaos of life. This explains why I always have more than one project going at a time as well as why my housework tends to fall behind. I enjoy seeing what others are working on and keeping calm with, too. What are you creating? What is keeping you going? Snap a picture or two and share it with the rest of us by leaving your link below.
While I actually started two new projects during our road trip to Trailing of the Sheep, I do not have any photographic evidence of them. I have been so preoccupied with trying to get our house back in order since we got back that I didn't stop to take a photo of them for Crafting On. I aspire to be one of those people that clean their homes before leaving for a trip so that they come back home to peace. I am at the other end of the spectrum, leaving my home in a bigger mess than it normally is from scrambling to get out the door with everything and everyone in hand. Not to mention we are still playing catch up with laundry from the girls' camping trip the weekend before. What can I say? It is just utter chaos here right now. Maybe by the end of the week we'll have things more in order. I did, however, find the time to start a new dyeing project. The dye bath is pictured above. C has already claimed this yet to be made yarn as it should come out pink. Fingers crossed it does!
What are you working on? Happy creating!