
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Blessing of the Animals

feast of st. vincent de paul volunteering food bank volunteering food bank st vincent de paul redhead! {feast of St. Vincent De Paul}
Father blessing Simpkin
Beowulf after his blessing showing his gratitude gratitude Simpkin at the blessing {feast of St. Francis}

As I am finalizing the last minute details before our trip I thought I would share some photographs from the past couple of weeks. The first batch is from the feast day of St. Vincent De Paul. We (coincidentally) volunteered at the St. Vincent De Paul food bank that day along with some other homeschooling families. C and K were thrilled at the prospect of helping others but L wasn't quite as sure about the work involved. As soon as he started filling up boxes full of food for families in need though he changed his tune. I rather thought he would. C truly had a blast and was grinning ear to ear the whole time. As we left she told me, "It really is so much better to give than to receive!".  I had been saying that I want us to do more for our community and this just further persuaded me that we need to. I am trying to make it a regular thing now for us.

The second batch of photographs is from the feast of St. Francis. We took a family walk to attend the blessing of the animals. It was quite the hard decision to pick which of our animals to bring. In the end we brought our dog Beowulf and our cat Simpkin (K pushed her in a stroller - what a sight that must have been for people driving by). Father blessed them both and Beowulf showed his gratitude by gently hopping up on him. He only does that to Kevin so that was quite special indeed.

See you back in this space soon - hopefully with lots of photographs from the festival!
