
Sunday, June 5, 2016


garden Kales and romainecrystal raindrops Crystal raindrop in our broccoli wheat Wheat crimson clover Crimson clover chamomile Chamomile chia seed pudding withfruit and homemade granola kitty nappers some days there is time to make rainbows he fell asleep in her arms sick days

I took a gamble with our garden this year and planted the seeds directly in the ground in April, far before the snow was gone off of Bennett Mountain (local lore here is that it is safe to plant after the snow there is gone). I half expected my garden to flop but thankfully my gamble paid off. Our garden is flourishing! We have already begun harvesting chamomile, kale and parsley. This year I don't have morning sickness keeping me indoors so my hopes are high. I am looking forward to trying everything else that is growing strong. Ironically we planted wheat this year so that we could go through the whole process of making bread from planting the seeds, grinding the wheat and then baking it. We shall see what the future holds!

Our gluten-free trial has been going rather well so far. Surprisingly most of what we eat was already gluten-free to begin with so the change hasn't been too much of a challenge. Well, other than one of my children wanting fresh baked bread every evening shortly after dinner.

K begged for some chia seed pudding parfaits from the Oh She Glows cookbook for breakfast over the weekend. It took a little longer than planned to get around to it since we had to first make the granola and then the pudding had to sit overnight. We finally had it this morning and it was incredible. Definitely worth the wait for most of us. One of my children was a little skeptical of it at first but as the temperature rose outside she enjoyed this cool and refreshing treat out in the pool and even asked for more.

Baby F came down with the cold that is still lingering in most of us the day after I typed up my last post. I saw it coming when his big brother couldn't help but cover him in kisses. I couldn't blame him - Baby F is pretty irresistible. He was really miserable the first day of his cold but he's a little trooper and trying to smile through it.
