Thursday, June 2, 2016
I am feeling rather disoriented after the long weekend so please forgive my scatterbrained thoughts in this post. I keep feeling like every day is Monday. We in the fog of sickness right now too, adding to my confusion. So far everyone but Baby F and Kevin are sick. I am praying it stays that way. I thought I might help to cheer up my sick K by sewing her a mug rug for the nightstand next to her bed (and to help preserve the nightstand since I seem to have to sand it and re-beeswax it once a year). I found a tutorial that was really cute and seemed simple enough, but I forgot that I lack the ability to sew straight lines. The tiny pieces were super fussy to work with and well, I think the photographs pretty much speak for themselves. I was disappointed with the outcome but K loves me and it anyway. Maybe when the quilting plumps up with a washing it will help to cover up the mistakes.
Did I ever mention Baby F's umbilical hernia to you? I can't remember. Well, it is healing up on it's own now, thank goodness. I think his cloth diapers helped with that as the come up over the belly button helping to press it down - similar to the belly bands they sell for umbilical hernias on babies. His stomach doesn't seem to get upset as easily now that it is healing up which is a huge blessing for all of us.
Speaking of tummies, we decided as a family to go completely gluten-free for the next 15 days to see how our bodies react. I went grain-free for Lent one year and I remember feeling so much lighter and full of energy. C might have the hardest time with this trial since she would live off of bread if I let her. I am hoping I have enough delicious alternatives for her that she'll get by. I'll keep you updated on how it goes!
And on that note I need to get my sick self into bed with the rest of my family. I hope you all have a truly enjoyable rest of the week.
p.s. - Ravelry notes on the completed unicorn gift can be found here.
knitting|little ones|off the needles|sewing|